as well as safety and regulatory compliance. Review, enforce and coach on operational safety and training. Oversee staff safety training and regulatory compliance documents. Manage, review and enforce operational safety, training needs with department and contractors Oversee spraying and treatment operations...
真的干了! 今天,日本原子能规制委员会举行临时会议,正式批准了东京电力公司制定的福岛第一核电站核污染水排海计划。 是的,核污染水入海,日本批准了! 那怎么排进海里呢! 日本的考虑,是通过海底隧道,把核污染水排放至静海,因为这样更易让核污染水在海洋扩散。 消息一出,全...
Plan, monitor, and conduct regular daily/weekly/monthly/annual facility maintenance schedules in building, electrical, sanitary, safety, cleaning, pest control services etc. Supervise the services provided by the contracted facility vendors/contractors (security...
听力原文: U.S.-led coalition forces in Afghanistan say American and Afghan troops have rescued 5 civilian contractors, pinned down by Taliban militants after their helicopter landed in Gazni province sout... A. Afghanistan troops. B. American troops. C. Afghanistan-led coalition forces. D. U....
DP World Invites Contractors for Jebel Ali Port Terminal 4: Bid Deadline Set for 7 May as Port Operator Plans to Expand Capacity 来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 22 作者: R Spong 摘要: Contractors have been invited to bid by 7 May for the design and build of Terminal 4 at Dubai's ...
2019年12月17日首艘国产航母“山东舰”在海南省三亚军港正式交付中国海军。 显然是中国海军史上具有里程碑意义的事件。 什么是中国速度? 2013年11月,我国首艘国产航母正式开工建设;2015年3月开始坞内建造;2017年4月26日正式下水;2018年5月13日,首次海上航行试验...
你可能也听说了,最近“雪糕刺客”大火。 有一种雪糕,看似普通,结账时却会给你一个“惊喜”。 它们包装朴实,摆放位置也和其他雪糕一样,只是价格昂贵。 便宜的十多块,贵的一两百块。 有些人,拿到后不好意思放回去,就结账了。 有...