Ca(ClO3)2的分子量 206.9804 g/mol Ca(ClO3)2的摩尔质量和分子量为{1,数字}。 由氯酸钙 - Ca(ClO3)2组成 元素标志原子质量原子#质量百分比 鈣 Ca 40.078 g/mol 1 19.3632% 氯 Cl 70.906 g/mol 2 34.2573% 氧 O 95.9964 g/mol 6 46.3795% 氯酸钙 元素 质量百分比氧95.9964g氧95.9964g氯70.906g...
Ca(ClO3)2的摩尔质量和分子量为{1,数字}。 由氯酸钙- Ca(ClO3)2组成 元素标志原子质量原子#质量百分比 鈣Ca40.078 g/mol119.3632% 氯Cl70.906 g/mol234.2573% 氧O95.9964 g/mol646.3795% 氯酸钙 元素 质量百分比氧95.9964g氧95.9964g氯70.906g氯70.906g鈣40.078g鈣40.078gCa(ClO3)2 原子#氧6氧6氯2氯2鈣...
The chemical industry is used for the purification of acetylene and the manufacture ofchlo roform and other organic chemical materials. Can be used as wool shrinkage agent, deodorant and so on. Product Name: Calc ium hy pochlorite Synonyms: C alc...
WAK-ClO.DP型残留氯(游离)水质简易测定器型0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 1, 2, 5 mgL WAK-T.ClO型总残留氯水质简易测定器型0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 1, 2, 5 mgL WAK-ClO2型二氧化氯水质简易测定器型0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 1, 2, 5, 10 mgL WAK-CN-2型氰基化合物(游离)水质简易测定器型≤0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5...
Give the name for each of the following compounds Ca(MnO4)2 CrCl3 Compounds : Compound is made up of two or more different atoms that are chemically combined together in a fixed ratio. Atoms combined to form molecule and different molecules combined to form a compound. Few ...
(a) Ca(OH)3 (b) Fe(NO3)2 Ionic Compound's Name: The name of an ionic compound includes the following: The name of the cation and its oxidation number (if the cation is a transition/post-transition metal) in the initial portion of the name. The name of anion in the...
Because the Pitzer parameters of NpO2+ in the presence of Ca2+ and ClO4– are not compiled in THEREDA [19] and the NEA thermodynamic database [10], we cannot correct these apparent equilibrium constants to the intrinsic equilibrium constant for I = 0M. However, they are comparable to ...
Company Name:Guangzhou Weijia Technology Co., Ltd.RecommendComplaint CB Index:58 Related Information:Sales NetworkCatalog(6748)User Evaluation Company Name:Psyclo Peptide, Inc.RecommendComplaint CB Index:58 ...
漂白粉常用于灾区消毒杀菌,其有效成分为Ca(ClO)Ca(ClO) 2 ,其中氯元素的化合价为;工业上制漂白粉,是将氯气通入石灰乳发生如下反应制得:2Ca(OH) 2 +2Cl 2 ═X+Ca(ClO) 2 +2H 2 O,产物中X的化学式为CaCl 2 .tab start 试题答案 练习册答案 在线课程 分析 由质量守恒定律:反应前后,原子种类、数目均...
Ca - + + ClO3 - + = Ca(ClO3)2 - + ReactantsProducts Ca 1 1 ✔️ Cl 1 2 ❌ O 3 6 ❌ Hint: The sum of the balanced coefficients is 4. See Step-By-Step SolutionCalculators Equations & Reactions Chemical Equation Balancer Reaction Stoichiometry Calculator Limiting Reagent Calcu...