In a word, certificate chain authentication starts at an entities certificate and ends at a trustpoint. Checks whether the certificate has expired. Checks whether the certificate has been revoked in CRL or None mode. To check validity of the CA and local certificates of the local device, per...
Number of exit modules in use by the CA. CR_PROP_EXITDESCRIPTION Data type of the property: String Description for the exit module. CR_PROP_FILEVERSION Data type of the property: String The Certificate Services file version. CR_PROP_KRACERT Data type of the property: Binary, indexed...
이 문서에서는 Microsoft CA(Certificate Authority) Server로 IPSec 피어를 인증하기 위해 VPN 클라이언트 및 Cisco Security Appliance(ASA/PIX)에 타사 공급업체 디지털 인증서를 수동으
CreateSubCACertificate 创建子CA证书 创建一个子CA证书。... 添加HTTPS监听 如果没有可选的自签名CA证书,您可以在下拉框中单击 上传自签CA证书,在 证书应用仓库 页面,创建数据来源为 上传CA证书 的仓库,然后通过证书应用仓库上传自签名根CA或自签名子根CA证书。更多信息,请参见 创建并管理证书应用仓库。说明...
var MongoClient=require('mongodb').MongoClient,f=require('util').format,fs=require('fs');Read the certificate authority var... 客户端证书认证 交互过程中客户端会将设备证书传递到服务端,服务端将根据客户端提前注册的CA证书验证该设备证书的正确性,若验证通过则允许客户端连接服务端。服务端认证客户...
(Optional) Run pki file-format { der | pem } The format of saved CRL is set. By default, CRL is saved in PEM format. Run pki http [ esc ] url-address save-name The CRL using HTTP is downloaded. The value of url-address must contain the certificate file name plus the file name ...
Specifies how to handle the NextUpdate CRL field in a certificate. call-agent To specify a group of call agents, use the call-agent command in mgcp map configuration mode. To remove the configuration, use the no form of this command. call-agent ip_address group_id n...
// 2024-07-23T16:22:02.7200000Z
[in] Flags The following flags can be used to specify the format of the returned property value; these flags have meaning only for binary data (such as certificates, certificate chains orcertificate revocation lists) and is ignored otherwise. ...
BAIPWI23 SSL profile &P1 created BAIPWI24 Using SSL certificate handle &P1, certificate name is BAIPWI25 SSL certificate is specified to be in &P1, keyring na BAIPWI26 Secure Socket Layer &P1 used by WebCenter BAIPWI27 Invalid value for Access URL Host Override BAIPWI28 Access URL Host...