相反,应该构建新的专门空间用于AI对话可能会产生更专注、技术上有根据的方法。这可以模仿在常规的某些常规武器(Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons, CCW)审查会议上基于建议建立的关于LAWS领域新兴技术的政府专家组(Group of Governmental Experts, GGE)。从这些专注的讨论...
"My husband and I did a private pistol class with Don and I've taken his CCW Permit class and plan to continue with advanced pistol and additional classes as needed. I really like that Don works with everyone on their level, making sure they truly understand from having the right mindset...
很遗憾,我们来不及为逝者哀哭,在军事领域,这种规模的AI应用只是一个开始。 我们即将看到的是,一场AI军备大赛正缓缓拉开大幕,武器将变得越来越智能和自主,人类将慢慢退出它们的决策过程,直到致命自主武器系统(Lethal Autonomous Weapons systems,LAWs)出现并被...
Sometimes geeky technical details matter only to engineers. But sometimes a seemingly arcane technical decision exposes deep social or political divisions. A classic example is being debated within the Mozilla project now, as designers decide whether th
HTML 标记标签通常被称为 HTML 标签 (HTML tag)。 ·HTML 标签是由尖括号包围的关键词,比如·HTML 标签通常是成对出现的,比如和·标签对中的第一个标签是开始标签,第二个标签是结束标签 ·开始和结束标签也被称为开放标签和闭合标签 3.1meta标签 meta主要...