CA becomes laboratory for Affordable Care Act
加州全保已開放登記,新規或使61.5萬居民受益! 2010年Affordable Care Act《平價醫療法案》使數百萬沒有保險的美國人可以通過州級市場獲得醫療保險。2023年的開放登記已于11月1日正式開始。由于《平價醫療法案》規則最近的一個變化,更多的家庭有機會獲得醫療保險。《平價醫療法案》的補貼將醫保費用限制在家庭年收入的一...
State-Specific ACA Reporting (DC, NJ, CA, RI)For employees who reside in the District of Columbia (DC), or New Jersey (NJ), California (CA), or Rhode Island (RI), note the following. You have additional state-specific reporting requirements under the Affordable Care Act. You must ...
Call 310-909-6135 for #1 health insurance agent for affordable plans for small businesses and individuals in San Diego, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, Santa Monica, CA.
2010: Affordable Care Act Pete Souza // Wikimedia Commons 2010: Affordable Care Act The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), known as the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or Obamacare, presented sweeping health care reform for the country. Some of its most important provisions included...
housing subsidies, low-income home energy assistance programs, school lunch programs, supplemental nutrition assistance programs, student loans, electric vehicle tax credits, affordable care act subsidies and crop subsidies. Areas that offer less subsidies, could see an increase in their cost of living...
housing subsidies, low-income home energy assistance programs, school lunch programs, supplemental nutrition assistance programs, student loans, electric vehicle tax credits, affordable care act subsidies and farming subsidies. Areas with fewer subsidy offerings might experience an elevation in their cost ...
health care under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), whether that legislation will make reimbursement more or less fair, and examine how those judgments relate to political affiliation and perceived social responsibility. DESIGN: A cross-sectional, mailed, self-reported survey. PARTICIPANTS: Simple random...
Under the Affordable Care Act, homeless young adults are eligible for Medicaid, in some states, including California. This study assesses homeless young adults' health insurance coverage and healthcare utilization prior to Medicaid expansion. 关键词: health services socioeconomic factors young people ...
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