Anticheatexpert是可以卸载的,以下是详细的卸载步骤: 一、直接删除文件 定位文件:在电脑的系统磁盘(通常是C盘)中找到Program Files文件夹。 删除文件夹:在Program Files文件夹中找到名为AntiCheatExpert的文件夹,并将其删除。如果删除时提示服务正在运行中,请确保退出相关的游戏和任务管理器中的相关进程。 二、修改服务...
建议每次玩游戏前卸载反作弊,文件路径在C:\Program Files\AntiCheatExpert 闪退问题可能是显卡驱动过低,或者内存爆了。这是游戏BUG,等官方修复吧。 TA的1条回复 道风子◎ 4小时前 我以前卸载了能玩,现在不安装不让玩,安装了就是各种闪退蓝屏重启 贴吧热榜 按内容热度排行,每小时更新一次 1 dy偶遇flj,52入门...
如果有,删掉,再删BDEFrame.dll文件,如果没有,在任务管理器的进程中,结束Explorer进程,然后在“应用程序”中按“新任务”按钮。在校窗口中输入cmd命令,再确定,在弹出命令窗口中输入del C:\Program Files\Baidu\BaiduExpert\BDEFrame.dll 即可删除这个文件,然后再按“新任务”,在新任务窗口输入Exp...
NanoVG - Antialiased 2D vector drawing library on top of OpenGL for UI and visualizations. [Zlib] Ogre 3D ⚡ - A scene-oriented, real-time, flexible 3D rendering engine (as opposed to a game engine) written in C++. [MIT] website OpenSceneGraph - An open source high performance 3D grap...
CHEAT - Simple unit testing framework. BSD-2-Clause Check - Unit testing framework. LGPL-2.1-only ciut - A modern minimal hassle unit test framework. MIT clar - Clear and simple unit testing framework. MIT CMock - Mock/stub generator. MIT cmocka - Unit testing framework with support for ...
Please note that Fortect isn’t a true antivirus program. Although Fortect isn’t designed for real-time protection or a deep malware scan, it’s an excellent addon for your primary antivirus software. CCleaner doesn’t have this or a similar feature, so I give Fortect a plus for this...
You may see an error message says that 'This application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application.' when you are trying to open an application on Windows 7/8/10. Relax! This post provides tried and true solutions to f
5. Move Program Files Using UBackit: To easilymove programs from C drive to D drive, consider using backup software such as Wondershare UBackit. This user-friendly program allows for seamless data transfer in just three steps. Additionally, it offers a free trial period of 30 days. ...
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2024\sniffer.exe -baseTimeMS=359865337 -comment=Photoshop Version: Adobe Photoshop 25.6.0 20240312.r.433 2bfcbf1 x64{109 ms}Start platform native# displays: 1Display 0Display: \\.\DISPLAY5Main: TRUEBuilt in: FALSEStereo: FALSEBounds: (0, ...
Technical issues like Windows 10 Error Code 0xc0000034 and File BCD error code 0xc0000034 are hard to resolve. You need expert guidance to resolve this issue. The problem can occur due to several causes like booting of configuration data or due to missing files from BCD drive. ...