Volvo Canada présente aux amateurs de cabriolets le modèle C70 Inscription en édition limitée nov. 08, 2011 ID: 40898 Word Doc (.docx) 48.8 KB HTML (.html) 12.4 KB PDF (.pdf) 267.9 KB Text (.txt) 4.3 KB TORONTO, ON (le 8 nov. 2011) - Le cabriolet Volvo C70 refait ...
Dual active subwoofers behind the backrestsWhen it comes to sound experience, the all new Volvo C70 is two cars in one. A concert hall or an outdoor arena – the sound system has been developed to offer high-class sound reproduction with the roof up or down. Volvo Cars is one of the...
由里至外渐渐酝散,所到之处尽是引领着众人目光,Volvo C70不仅代表个人品味的象征,更是一种美型质男的专属座驾,有了它,男人因此多了魅惑的本领。从2006年发表第二代C70后,历经了四年的产品时程,小改款Volvo C70终于得以现身国内,全新C70其最大的改变在于外观造型与内装配备上,首先在外观方面,从水箱罩...
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JUST a year or two ago, white had fallen firmly out of favour as a car colour.Coventry Evening Telegraph (England)
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Used Volvo C70 For Sale Kansas City, MO - CarGurus CarGurus Volvo C70 Usados de Venta en Dallas, TX - CarGurus (Español) ParaCrawl Corpus Other vehicles that share the same platform and major mechanic features of the 2008 Volvo C70 include the: Otros vehículos que comparten la ...
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