*C69300 ECO BRASS®is produced by our partner, Wieland Chase. C69300 spec sheet C69300 brochure Standard products Product description:Lead-free brass Tempers:H02 half hard Solids:3/8" to 2 1/2" O.D. Hex:3/8" to 2" O.D. ...
C69300美标硅黄铜化学成分 C69300 is American Standard for silicon brass and is subject to ASTM B371/371M-2008 Standard Specification for Copper-Zinc-silicon Alloy strips C69300 Silicon brass Brass with silicon on top of a copper-zinc alloy. It has high corrosion resistance in atmosphere and ...
C69300 brass is a brass formulated for primary forming into wrought products. C69300 is the UNS number for this material. Additionally, the EN chemical designation is CuZn21Si3P. It has a moderately low thermal conductivity among wrought brasses. In addition, it has a moderately low ...
化学成分:(以材质书为准) C69300 BRASS69300六角铜棒 铜箔 片料 什么价格 对照国内 棒材 棒料 合金铜 进口铜 C69300 BRASS69300防脱锌 耐脱锌 抗脱锌 电极铜 铸铜 CU C- 合金板 bar brass 铜材 C69300 BRASS69300半硬 1/2H 1/4H 软料 3/4H 全硬 bronze 铜合金 alloy copper 铜料 C69300 BRASS6...
Symbol:C69300 Number: Category:ASTM Wrought Copper Alloy Type:Silicon Brass Previous:C69400 Next:C67600 Chemical Composition mass/% Cu Sn Al Fe Mn Ni Pb Si P Zn 73-77 0.2 _ 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.09 2.7-3.4 0.04-0.15 Rem Mechanical properties Tensile strength Mpa(Min) Yield strength MPa(Min) ...
执行标准:ASTM B371 B371M-2008 硅黄铜C69300铜棒 1/2H 半硬 1/4H 软料 3/4H 全硬 bronze 耐脱锌 硅黄铜C69300铜棒 铜合金 alloy copper 铜料 电极铜 铸铜 CU C- 硅黄铜C69300铜棒 铜管 管材 板材 铜板 板料 光板 精板 冷拔线 硅黄铜C69300铜棒 铸造 锻打 抗脱锌 卷板 合金板 bar brass ...
What Is Brass Forging? Brass forging process is a forging process of pressuring brass rods or bars to form parts while owing their durability and overall quality to the unique pattern of grain flow that is an inherent result of the forging process. During initial rod/bar extrusion, the metal...
硅黄铜C69300铜棒 1/2H 半硬 1/4H 软料 3/4H 全硬 bronze 耐脱锌 硅黄铜C69300铜棒 铜合金 alloy copper 铜料 电极铜 铸铜 CU C- 硅黄铜C69300铜棒 铜管 管材 板材 铜板 板料 光板 精板 冷拔线 硅黄铜C69300铜棒 铸造 锻打 抗脱锌 卷板 合金板 bar brass 铜材 ...
化学成分:(以材质书为准) C69300防脱锌 合金带 冷拔线 铜板 板料 光板 C69300全硬 软料 1/2H 半硬 1/4H 3/4H bronze C69300铜合金 铸铜 alloy copper 铜料 电极铜 C69300铜管 管材 板材 耐脱锌 抗脱锌 精板 圆板 C69300方棒 六角棒 铸造 bar brass 铜材 ...
C69300 brass rod is a favored solution for high-performance jobs. It is commonly used in faucets and plumbing fittings because it has excellent machinability and is corrosion resistant. C69300 is also free of arsenic and bismuth. Bismuth is a contaminant