CBB20轴向超声波音频耦合薄膜电容器 10UFJ400V 45X20.5X29 ¥4.20 查看详情 超级电容(Super capacitor)100F3.0V 18X60 107 3R0 供模组方案 ¥9.50 查看详情 JMX 锂离子超级电容器 1300F 4.2V 18X40 电池电源可解决低温启动 ¥17.90 查看详情 储能纽扣叠片V型超级电容器1.0F5.5V水表仪器仪表紧急备用电源 ¥1.98...
converter capable of delivering 4.0A current. The SY8104 operates over a wide input voltage range from 4.5V to 18V and integrates main switch and synchronous switch with very low RDS(ON) to minimize the conduction loss. Low output voltage ripple and small external inductor and capacitor sizes...