Fusion surgery would alter the postoperative biomechanical surrounding of the cervical spine, especially the adjacent segments. These changes might affect the intervertebral disc-bearing capacity, and even weaken the physiological structure. From a purely biomechanical perspective, the cervical spinal fusion ...
25.Greiner-Perth R, Elsaghir E, Böhm H, et al. The incidence of C5–C6 radiculopathy as a complication of extensive cervical decompression: own results and review of literature. Neurosurg Rev. 2005, 28(2): 137–142. 26. Hasegawa K, H...
25.Greiner-Perth R, Elsaghir E, Böhm H, et al. The incidence of C5–C6 radiculopathy as a complication of extensive cervical decompression: own results and review of literature. Neurosurg Rev. 2005, 28(2): 137–142. 26. Hasegawa K, H...
如上图所示,1,2分别为C6横突的前结节和后结节,3为C5神经根,5为C4神经根,4为C6、C7神经根,6为椎动脉。该研究提出:相对于其他神经根,C5神经根走行更为陡峭,并有C6横突的结节阻挡,C5神经根更易受到损伤从而发生神经功能障碍。 一点总结: 颈椎术后C5神经根麻痹的发生机制尚不明确,术中医源性损伤、脊髓位移...
Preoperative Risk Factors of C5 Nerve Root Palsy After Laminectomy and Fusion in Patients With Cervical Myelopathy[J]. Clinical spine surgery. 2017;30(9):419–24. Chiba K, Toyama Y, Matsumoto M, Maruiwa H, Watanabe M, Hirabayashi K. Segmental motor paralysis after expansive open-door ...
痹。其他神经 ,如C4、C6神经 也可受累,但较少见。 C5神经 麻痹患者92%表现为单侧症状,8%表现为 双侧症状 [ ] 。多数患者于术 周内 现症状,部分学者强 调C5神经根麻痹为24h以 生,从而与C5神经损伤 相区别,少数患者于术 2~4周 现 [ ] ,术 2个月 仍 可生 [6] 。 第一作者简介:男( 98 -),住院...
Buchwald et al., “Long-term, continuous inliavenous heparin administration by an implantable infusion pump in ambulatory patients with recurrent venous thrombosis,” Surgery, Oct. 1980, vol. 88, No. 4, pp. 507-516. During et al., “Controlled Release of Dopamine from a Polymeric Brain ...
填进 自体髂 骨泥 ,然后 嵌入 C3 至 C6 椎 体间 ,再在前 方上 Orion 钢板 。患 者改俯 卧位 ,作颈 后正 中切 口,在 深筋膜下 即见边界不清有囊性 变的肿瘤组织 ,取 一块送快速 冰冻切 片,报告 为骨母 细胞 瘤 (图 3 )。 在切 除肿瘤 过程中 ,发现 ...
Incidence, Predictors and Post-Operative Complications of Blood Transfusion in Thoracic and Lumbar Fusion Surgery: An Analysis of 14,249 Patients from the ... Incidence, Predictors, and Postoperative Complications of Blood Transfusion in Thoracic and Lumbar Fusion Surgery: An Analysis of 13,695 Patien...