JOURNAL OF HAND SURGERY -AMERICAN VOLUME- ABertelli JA, Ghizoni MF. Reconstruction of C5 and C6 brachial plexus avulsion injury by multiple nerve transfer: XI to suprascapu- lar, ulnar fascicles to biceps branch, and triceps long or lateral head branch to axillary nerve. J Hand Surg [Am]...
16.Currier BL. Neurological complications of cervical spine surgery:C5 palsy and intraoperative monitoring. Spine(Phila Pa 1976), 2012, 37(5): E328-334. 17.Traynelis VC, Malone HR, Smith ZA, et al. Rare Complications of Cervical Spine Surger...
16.Currier BL. Neurological complications of cervical spine surgery:C5 palsy and intraoperative monitoring. Spine(Phila Pa 1976), 2012, 37(5): E328-334. 17.Traynelis VC, Malone HR, Smith ZA, et al. Rare Complications of Cervical Spine Surger...
I had c5 c6 c7 acdf surgery this year in May for right arm bicep weakness and brachioradialias atrophy and weakness, arm strength was 3/5 before the operation, my arm strength is slowly improving 5 months later but on a recent mri I have a bulging disc at c5 nerve root with impingeme...
SurgicaltreatmentofC5-C6gradevaricoseofgreatsaphenousvein TIANYe,BA1Chao,SAIRIKE·Magaoviya,LUOJun (DepartmentofVascularandThyroidSurgery,theFirstAffiliatedHospital,XinjiangMedicalUniversity Urumqi830054,China) Abstract:Objective ToinvestigatetheanatomiccharacteristicsandsurgicaltreatmentmethodsoftheC5一C6 ...
如上图所示:相对于C6,C7,C8,T1神经根,C5神经根在肩部被下拉后承受的张力最大,从而也更可能出现术后神经功能障碍。 有英国学者在新鲜尸体上进行颈椎神经的解剖学研究[13],如下图: 如上图所示,1,2分别为C6横突的前结节和后结节,3为C5神经根,5为C4神经根,4为C6、C7神经根,6为椎动脉。该研究提出:相对于...
Industrial applications mainly require either C5 or C6 sugars such as xylose and glucose. A membrane separation process provides an energy efficient separation method. The aim of the present thesis is the proof of the concept to separate the mixture of C5 and C6 sugars by means of nanofiltration...
C6后方的后纵韧带,暴露颈5,颈6椎体,颈5/6椎间盘平面,配合尖刀,铰刀,髓核钳去除椎间盘,暴露颈6沟突,采用游标卡尺(精确度为0.02 mm)测量C5/6节段Q点到各结构的最短距离:Q点至神经根的垂直距离a,Q点至椎动脉的垂直距离b,Q点至硬膜囊外侧的垂直距离c,Q点至C5/6节段椎间盘平面的距离d,Q点至C6椎体沟突的...
痹。其他神经 ,如C4、C6神经 也可受累,但较少见。 C5神经 麻痹患者92%表现为单侧症状,8%表现为 双侧症状 [ ] 。多数患者于术 周内 现症状,部分学者强 调C5神经根麻痹为24h以 生,从而与C5神经损伤 相区别,少数患者于术 2~4周 现 [ ] ,术 2个月 仍 可生 [6] 。 第一作者简介:男( 98 -),住院...
It is generally recognized, however, that the introduction of the computer in the early 20th century, followed by the invention of the integrated circuit during the 1960s,【C5】___ changed the process, although its impact on the media was not immediately【C6】___ . As time went by, compu...