CAS:5970-45-6 中文名称:醋酸锌;乙酸锌 英文名称:Zinc acetate dihydrate 别名:乙酸锌,二水合物 分子式:C4H10O6Zn 分子量:219.49900 熔点:100 °C 密度:1.84 蒸汽压: 溶解性:易溶于水,微溶于醇。 稳定性: 外观与性状:有光泽的六面体鳞片或片晶体,有乙酸气味。
Molecular formula:C4H10O6Zn Average mass:219.508 Monoisotopic mass:217.976880 ChemSpider ID:2006347 Wikipedia articleWikipedia article Structural identifiers Names and synonyms Verified 209-170-2 [EINECS] 5970-45-6 [RN] Acétate de zinc, hydrate (2:1:2) ...
物质的摩尔质量计算结果:分子式: C4H10O6Zn摩尔质量: 219.497 g/mol 1g=4.55587092306501E-03 mol各种元素摩尔质量百分比:元素 数量 相对原子质量 百分比C 4 12.011 21.89%H 10 1.0079 4.59%O 6 15.999 43.73%Zn 1 65.38 29.79%热门应用: 物质的摩尔质量的计算 分子式: HCl...
This document is part of Subvolume A 'Diamagnetic Susceptibility and Anisotropy of Inorganic and Organometallic Compounds' of Landolt-Brnstein II/27 'Diamagnetic Susceptibility and Anisotropy', Group II 'Molecules and Radicals'. It contains the diamagnetic susceptibility of C4H10O6Zn Hill Formula: C...
Zinc Acetate Dihydrate is a chemical compound and has a chemical formula of Zn(CH₃COO)₂ · 2H₂O. 一般特性 公式 Zn(CH₃COO)₂ · 2H₂O Mass / 摩尔质量 +221.514 g/mol Mass / 摩尔质量 +217.976883±0 Da 翻译 德语 Zinkacetat-Dihydrat 英语 zinc acetate dihydrate 法语 ...
CH' of Volume 48 `Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Spectroscopy Data' of Landolt-Börnstein - Group III `Condensed Matter'. It contains an extract of Section `3.2 Data tables' of the Chapter `3 Nuclear quadrupole resonance data' providing the NQRS data for CHOZn [CHOZn·2(HO)] (Subst. No. ...