本插件是关于Vray渲染器C4D R20插件V3.6.0 180829 Win版,大小:370 MB,支持C4D R20版软件,支持Win系统,语言:英语。 VRay是由chaosgroup和asgvis公司出品的一款高质量渲染软件。 VRay是目前业界最受欢迎的渲染引擎。 基于V-Ray 内核开发的有VRay for 3ds max、Maya、Sketchup、Rhino等诸多版本,为不同领域的优秀3D...
Corona does really delivers high quality renders in acceptable time thanks to its unbiased ray tracing capabilities, and at the same time its presented in a simple to use user interface which is well integrated into Cinema 4d, the material editor is somewhat similar to the Cinema 4D one and p...