The C4 model is: A set ofhierarchical abstractions(software systems, containers, components, and code). A set ofhierarchical diagrams(system context, containers, components, and code). Notation independent. Tooling independent. Uses and benefits ...
C4模型(C4 Model)是一种用于描述软件系统架构的轻量级模型,其目标是通过简化、清晰和易于理解的方式来表达系统的不同层次的架构信息。C4代表了“上下文”(Context)、“容器”(Container)、“组件”(Component)和“代码”(Code)这四个层次。C4模型的作者是Simon Brown,他在其著作《Software Architecture for Developers...
If I use a word to summarize the C4 model, it is: comfortable. The C4 model can't teach us how to design. It is more like writing and drawing on paper during design. However, this action does be the original impulse of software architecture. 如果用一个词来概括C4模型的话那就是:肆意。
C4模型(C4 Model)是一种用于描述软件系统架构的轻量级模型,其目标是通过简化、清晰和易于理解的方式来表达系统的不同层次的架构信息。C4代表了“上下文”(Context)、“容器”(Container)、“组件”(Component)和“代码”(Code)这四个层次。C4模型的作者是Simon Brown,他在其著作《Software Architecture for Developers...
为了构建实际系统的抽象。C4 Model对于系统的描述提供了四个抽象层次: 抽象 这个抽象层次里面包含5个要素 Software System:软件系统最高的抽象层次,描述了交付给用户完成用户所需功能的系统。 Person:使用系统的人或者角色 Container:容器是独立运行一些代码和数据,组合起来完成系统功能的要素。一个容器可以是Server-side...
structurizrc4modelsoftwarearchitecturec4-model UpdatedFeb 27, 2025 Java C4Sharp (C4S) is a .net library for building C4 Model diagrams. csharpdotnetnugetdslplantumlc4modelc4-plantuml UpdatedJul 16, 2024 C# A project presenting the implementation of the modular monolith architecture in Node.js. ...
document their software in a lightweight way. Just to be clear, I’m not talking about detailed modelling, comprehensive UML models, or model-driven development. This is about effectively and efficiently communicating the software architecture of the software that you’re building, with a view to...
The C4 Model for Software ArchitecturepeopleSimon Brown
model { # Actors customer = person"Customer"""person" admin = person"Admin User"""person" # External systems emailSystem = softwareSystem"Email System""Mailgun""external" calendarSystem = softwareSystem"Calendar System""Calendly""external" # ...
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