对于一个系统的各个Level的架构图,个人认为系统上下文图和容器图的意义要高于组件图和代码结构图,原因是后者更关注实现细节,受众仅限于开发人员,而且稳定性更差,参考价值低于代码本身。 C4 Model的价值更多在于如何认识系统,从哪个角度去剖析系统,而不拘泥于用什么线条、形状画出来。 参考 https://c4model.com/...
To create these maps of your code, you first need a common set of abstractions to create a ubiquitous language to use to describe the static structure of a software system. The C4 model considers the static structures of asoftware systemin terms ofcontainers(applications, data stores, microservi...
Double-click to rename your current layer, giving it a clear name like “Context Diagram.” Then, click the duplicate layer button to quickly copy this layer. Rename your copy for the next level of the C4 model, the container diagram. ...
Level 3: Components The word “component” is a hugely overloaded term in the software development industry, but I like to think of a component as being a grouping of related functionality encapsulated behind a well-defined interface. With the C4 model, components arenotseparately deployable units...
"Supporting the C4 model" could range from some pre-defined styles and shapes through to adding new keywords to the Mermaid syntax (like you see with C4-PlantUML, for example). Each has a different level of effort required, and there are already solutions that provide similar functionality. ...
model_path = "saved_models/seq2seq_models" log_path = "log/seq2seq_{:%y-%m-%d_%h-%m-%s}.log" . format (datetime.now())sum_path = "runs/slr_seq2seq_{:%y-%m-%d_%h-%m-%s}" . format (datetime.now()) # log to file & visualdl writer logging.basicconfig(level=logging....
robot2 C4 Model extension: Person() and System() support $type argument too. Is uses the same notation as $techn, e.g. $type="characteristic A" is displayed as [characteristic A] Container diagram Import: !include https://raw.githubusercontent.com/plantuml-stdlib/C4-PlantUML/master/C4_...
Production information Model C4-CZN Type Ion cannon [Source] The C4-CZN ion field gun was tripod-mountable ion cannon, ideal for providing infantry with anti-starship or anti-vehicle firepower. Operatives working for Rebel SpecForce used a C4-CZN to repel an attack from two Imperial Gamma-...
Model Tell us your excavator model and type, we confirm the solution. How many years have you manufactured hydraulic breaker pipeline kits? More than 20 years. Detailed Photos EC360ELC4 excavator aux pipe line hydraulic breaker hammer piping kits volvo-EC...
4 An ascending pyramid of C4 pathway: a simplistic model of the main phases of C4 evolution (Adapted from Sage, 2004) 4.2 C3植物C4途径进化的分子证据 近几年关于植物光合途径进化的研究进展迅 速, 人类文明创造了全新的C4物种的产生途径, 即C3植物基因工程(Sheehy et al., 2000; Miyao, 2003).基于...