It contains the data set of geometric parameters of Thiiranemethanethiol. Hill formula: C3H6S2. Element system: C-H-S.doi:10.1007/978-3-540-44740-5_79E. HirotaT. IijimaK. KuchitsuD. A. RamsayN. VogtSpringer Berlin Heidelberg
Insights into the Mechanism of Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution Mediated by Fe2(S2C3H6)(CO)6: The Simplest Functional Model of the Fe-Hydrogenase Active Site The di-iron complex Fe2(S2C3H6)(CO)6 (a), one of the simplest functional models of the Fe-hydrogenases active site, is able...
试题分析:A.C3H6可能为环丙烷,不一定含有碳碳双键;B.表示的是羟基的电子式,羟基的结构简式为-OH;C.表示的可以是四溴化碳,不一定为四氯化碳;D.表示的可以为钾离子、钙离子、氯离子,不一定为硫离子. 试题解析:A.C3H6分子中不一定含有碳碳双键,可能为环丙烷,其结构简式不一定为CH2═CHCH3,故A错误;B.电子式...
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简介:韩烬穿越而来,直接觉醒了神级签到系统,开局就是大礼包,十连抽大将。恭喜宿主抽取太阳真火一朵,体内小世界一座,仙级功法离火神决,仙骨一截,世界树幼苗一株...从此.. 写的太慢,我要催更我要订阅我也要读下载本书 读者还喜欢 开局:最强人生系统 夜良月|同人小说 一朝穿越,夜正惊奇地发现自己竟然重生在...
金毛马犬飙演技,马犬:这耳朵我服了!2019-01-01 17:33:19 刘宇宁直播记 举报 0 分享至 0:00 / 0:00 速度 洗脑循环 刘宇宁直播记 968粉丝 主发刘宇宁直播视频 04:07 刘宇宁无效应援:你们还敢再离谱点吗?确定不是来整我的嘛! 03:10 刘宇宁谈洗澡戏:这也太带劲了吧!是付费也想看的内容啊 04:...
In the present work, the CO-photolysis of Fe2(S2C3H6)(CO)6 was investigated by density functional theory (DFT) and time-dependent DFT (TDDFT). Trans Fe2(S2C3H6)(CO)5 form and the corresponding trans heptane or acetonitrile solvent adducts are the lowest energy ground state forms. CO ...
Summary This document is part of Subvolume C 'Molecules containing Three or Four Carbon Atoms' of Volume 25 'Structure Data of Free Polyatomic Molecules' of Landolt-Brnstdoi:10.1007/10688787_264G. GranerE. HirotaT. IijimaK. KuchitsuN. VogtSpringer Berlin Heidelberg...
The crystal structure of the title organic-inorganic hybrid material [C3H6N3S2]H2PO4, has been determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction. The compound crystallizes in the noncentrosymmetric orthorhombic space group Pna21 with the lattice parameters a = 7.662 (1), b = 26.553 (3), c = ...