They don't want survey figures nor COGO points and the fastest, easiest method is to use EXPORTC3DDRAWING. Doing a save doesn't convert the figures to 2d flat polylines. Whenever I provide data like this to contractors etc, I use WBLOCK. Select the data you w...
It's quick and easy to convert ASCII point files. The tin is going to be difficult. If you want it to remain dynamic you'll have to recreate it in the new drawing. You can bring the breaklines over by converting any Featurelines and/or 3D Polylines to 2D polylnes so th...
2.1.468 Part 4 Section, doNotAutofitConstrainedTables (Do Not AutoFit Tables To Fit Next To Wrapped Objects) 2.1.469 Part 4 Section, doNotLeaveBackslashAlone (Convert Backslash To Yen Sign When Entered) 2.1.470 Part 4 Section, doNotSuppressParagraphBo...
Please create a option to make a Text/Mtext etc. as 3D text Would be nice to extend the options of the text properties and simply give it a depth (like polyline)... would be great and way better then the workaround with TXTEXP etc. MAKE AUTODESK GREAT AND SIMPLE AGAIN! No more ...