CHROMA personifies the ageless beauty of the piano. Painstakingly recorded from a world class Yamaha C3, it fully captures the sonic exuberance of the ideal piano sound. It is not only the perfect recreation of the acoustic properties, but also a full exploration of the instrument. From the pr...
虽然CHROMA 是从一流的 Yamaha C3 录制的,但我们开发它是为了将声音塑造成您可能需要的任何音色。通过可调节的力度曲线,动态响应可以匹配任何键盘。声音可以通过启动、衰减、延迟、密度、八度、失谐、采样启动、声像随机化器等进一步调整。凭借完全可调的机械声音(音符开启、音符关闭、踏板)和 4 个可自由调节的麦克风...
家里弹琴的老外学音乐的对选择乐器比较挑剔,同时买了这款和Yamaha最后决定留下这款,他说手感好有Grandpiano的感觉,音也比Y的多,过段留下这款,每晚都要弹很久爱不释手,强烈推荐👍🏻客服也特别热心五星店铺就是不一样! 非常满意的购物体验,产品外观时尚,质量上乘,性价比高,物流快速,商家服务周到。
日本原装进口雅马哈YAMAHA U1HU2HU3H初学成人家用立式二手钢琴 电子琴 胡桃木 宁波芯华科教设备有限公司 4年 查看详情 ¥3.18万/台 北京 代理诺德nord GRAND 88键数码钢琴 PIANO4/5代全配重电钢 正规国行 全尺寸 全配重型 万城视听(北京)科技有限公司 3年 查看详情 ¥8800.00/台 广东深圳 原装正品鲍德温钢琴...
221 Grand Piano KSP三角大钢琴KSP 222 Mellow Gr Pno圆润三角钢琴 223 Piano Strings钢琴弦乐 224 Dream梦幻钢琴 225Bright Piano亮音钢琴 226Bright PianoKSP亮音钢琴KSP 227ElectronicGrand Piano电子大钢琴 228ElectronicGrand Piano KSP电子大钢琴KSP 229 Detuned CP80失调电拾音钢琴 230 Layered CP1分层电拾音钢...
accessories at the leading prices possible. My husband and I are looking for a replacement electrical switch pad for our 2003 340 Sea Ray Sundancer. This is the pad that has the bilge on it . Price and other details may vary based on product size and color. Recent maintenance, updates, ...
They bought a Yamaha piano at the price of 10,000 yuan. They liked it so much that they would have paid ___ for it. A) twice as much B) as much twice C) as twice much D) much as twice 19. It was not until she had come downstairs ___ remembered the keys were not with her...
王滔,单簧管演奏家,生于四川成都,中央音乐学院教授、博士生导师,电子科技大学客座教授,新加坡来福士音乐学院客座教授,「鱼越黑管教室」创始人,Yamaha艺术家, 德国G.Henle出版社宣传推广大使,CCU成员,Yamaha全国单簧管比赛评委会主席;自9岁起登台演出,在中国...
0 Acoustic Grand Piano 大钢琴(声学钢琴) 1 Bright Acoustic Piano 亮音钢琴 2 Electric Grand Piano 电子大钢琴 3 Honky-tonk Piano 酒吧钢琴 4 Rhodes Piano 柔和的电钢琴 5 Chorused Piano 加合唱效果的电钢琴 6 Harpsichord 羽管键琴(拨弦古钢琴) 7 Clavichord 科拉维科特琴(击弦古钢琴)...