Proteins, 81 (2013), pp. 1857-1861 10.1002/prot.24364 23852738 CrossrefView in ScopusGoogle Scholar 50 Suloway C., Pulokas J., Fellmann D., Cheng A., Guerra F., Quispe J., stagg S., Potter C.S., Carragher B. Automated molecular microscopy: the new Leginon system J. struct. Bi...
Raasreiacacettinoiotnrnissfiunwgetehrdeeacitnar1itr0iia,e0ld0po0Hu rtopafmtth1fe0o5rre °5aC cm.tiionn- utes. The pH was measured by a glass electrode and 1 ml of the supernatant was freeze-dried. For anal- ysis by GC-MS, the residue was dissolved in 250 μl...
C:\Rubeus>Rubeus.exe asktgs /u2u /targetuser:ccob /ticket:doIFijCCBYagAwIBBaED...(snip)...3RwYWNrLmxvY2Fs /tgs:doIFijCCBYagAwIBBaEDAg...(snip)...YWNrLmxvY2Fs ___ _ (___ \ | | ___) )_ _| |__ ___ _ _ ___ | __ /| | | | _ \| ___ | | | |/___) ...
Această problemă a fost rezolvată mai întâi în următoarea actualizare cumulativă pentru BizTalk Server 2013 R2: Actualizare cumulativă 1 (CU1) pentru BizTalk Server 2013 R2 Notă Această...
<loc></loc> <lastmod>2021-10-07T09:47:30.0000000Z</lastmod> </url> <url> <loc>
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& Dhepe, P. L. Catalytic conversion of cellulose into sugar alcohols. Angew. Chem. 45, 5161 (2006). 6. Sun, R. et al. Versatile Nickel–Lanthanum(III) Catalyst for Direct Conversion of Cellulose to Glycols. Acs. Catalysis 5, 874–883 (2015). 7. Zheng, M., Pang, J., Sun, R....
Fi (C3, C4 Cereals) = 1 − exp (−k (C3, C4 Cereals) × LAI (C3, C4 Cereals)) (4) where Fi is the fraction of intercepted radiation, k is an extinction coefficient for the total solar radiation, and the LAI is for C3 winter and C4 summer cereal crops [60]. The standards...
IItt iisseevviiddeennttffrroommFFigiguurere33ththaat tththeeththeremrmalatlrteraetamtmenetnttemtempepraetruarteuruenudnedr ewrhwichhicthhethe lc°lc2ooCuu7wwr0rtiieonen◦sgsC2gtt.6.lFlo0toFooss°osrCs2r1o6.oK1c0TccK1chu◦0u1iCr1s0rr,.re1iineTd,tddihdatiiaecfdstcafetertiereencrasrid...
Temele sunt livrate acum cu un set de variații, cum ar fi palete de culori și familii de fonturi diferite. Iar PowerPoint 2013 furnizează noi teme de ecran lat împreună cu dimensiunile standard. Alegeți o temă și o variantă din ecranul de start sau de...