反之则用介词in (较小的工具如car等);on (较大的交通工具,如train等)。如:on the bus, in his car. 37.by/ at/ the end of ; in/to/ on the endⅠ. by the end of “在……末以前”“到……末为止”后一般接时间名词。如年、月、周等。也可接...
② 赡养(vt.) He has a big family to suport. 21.strike (struck、struck) ①打、击、敲(vt.) The stone struck me on the head. ② 袭击、攻击(vt.) A heavy storm struck the village. ③ 罢工(n.) a strike by bus drivers...
英语语音 全 例词列举 a的短音 atcatbathatsatfatplataddbaddadhadsadapplecapgaplapmantapslapclapandbandlandamhamjammatmadmaphandlampratpadnapsandSam e的短音 tententrestvestpenhenBenlentmendsentbetgetjetletnetmetpetlegwetnestrestbestwestreddeskleftself i的短音 pigbighimlipsithipsixfixmixdidfishwishswim...
13.Haditnotbeenforthepostalstrike,myletterhome___beenheldup. A.mightnothaveB.shouldnothave C.mustnothaveD.maynothave 14.—WillyoujoinusinthepartythisSaturdayevening? —IfI___,Iwould;butIwillhaveleftforJapanonbusinessbythen. A.wasfreeB.weretobefree C.hadbeenfreeD.wouldbefree 15.Theyadvocatet...
“卡尔多·希克斯改进”是经济学家提出的一个描述收入分配和资源配置状态的一个经济模型,旨在确立一项衡量经济政策和行为成功与否的标准。其特点是,在一众变革中,获益者得到的利益足以弥补利益损失者的损失。他要求一项经济政策能够长远地提高整体社会效率,下列事项中,符合“卡尔多·希克斯改进”的是: A. 市政府向社会...
唐玄宗在开元年间锐意进取,在政治、经济、文化等方面进行了整顿和改革,使社会经济长足发展,并在开元年间达到高峰。他在经济方面采取的措施主要包括( )。①裁汰冗官,整顿吏治。②调整机构,加强行政效能。“中书门下”加强了办事机关的效能。增置翰林学士参预机要,加
20. Every Saturday science museumis crowded witha lot of middle school students, and some teachersare busyexplainingthe scientific secret behind a lot of interesting experiments. 每周六,科学博物馆里挤满了中学生,而老师忙于解...
Of course, he decided to return to the train station. At the lost and found, a young man was waiting for him with his ID card. Wang Wei was so happy! He was so thankful that he bowed (鞠躬) before the man. Wang Wei was so surprised when he looked up again. The man was his ...
① 比赛(n.) There will be a basketball match on Saturday. ②火柴(n.) He stroke a match to light up the room. ③与….相配 The hat matches her dress very well. 6.mine(熟义:pron. 我的)n & v. 采矿, 矿 When a gold mi...
① 比赛(n.) There will be a basketball match on Saturday. ②火柴(n.) He stroke a match to light up the room. ③与….相配 The hat matches her dress very well. 6.mine(熟义:pron. 我的)n & v. 采矿, 矿 When a gold ...