然后烦人的Clang就会给你一个讨厌的Wvla警告,这还算好的,换成MSVC的话编译都过不了。可是我真的没有想用VLA啊,static变量的初始化器必须是常量表达式,而const意味着n不可修改,所以n是一个“事实上的编译时常量”,可惜n没有常量的名分,因此不能把它当成常量来用。有人可能会说:你用#define n 624不就好了嘛...
比如, 在 msvc 中, 可以用 const修饰的对象, 作为 size 来声明非 VLA 数组(C 标准的约束违例). 而通过使用 constexpr存储类说明符, 编程者可明确"常量表达式"(这在 C11 标准中是做不到的). constexpr明确通知编译器(实现), 对象应在转译时演算(而非运行时), 尽管这可能原本已经是编译器的自行实现. ...
MSVC 的 __declspec 和GNU 的 __attribute__ 都考虑过,但是 __declspec 属性只适合声明,而不适合比如语句之类的其他语法;__attribute__ 适用范围更广,但是有歧义(比如 void f(int (__attribute__((foo)) x));)。 属性在各种语法里的位置是 WG21(C++ 的工作组)决定的,为了消除歧义并保持设计一致。属性...
MSVC Apple Clang EDG eccp Intel C++ Nvidia HPC C++ (ex PGI)* Nvidia nvcc Cray [Collapse] static_assertwith no messageN226599YesYes6.52021.1.2 (clang based) [[nodiscard]]N2267109Yes6.42021.1.2 (clang based) [[maybe_unused]]N2270109Yes6.42021.1.2 (clang based) ...
MSVC build instructions Open the Developer Command Prompt of visual studio. Go to thesrcdirectory and type This will buildcake.exe, then run cake on its own source code. GCC on Linux build instructions Got to thesrcdirectory and type: ...
This suggestion ticket is used to track and measure the C++ and MSVC communities’ interest in the C++23 Standard implementation. Please add your vote and let us know (in the comments below) what specific features are of most interest to you. Please note, ...
In preparation for Pure Virtual C++ tomorrow Stephan T. Lavavej has made a video update of all we’ve been working on for conformance in MSVC for C++20 and C++23.You can sign up for Pure Virtual C++ for free here.Stephan’s video is here:...
In a more practical sense, we should probably consider it sometimes 2 to 4 years after the last major compiler has support for it, which will be MSVC (given that clang 19.1 has now been released, and gcc 15 should likely be released somewhere april/may 2025), where there is no announced...