H Hu,M Brady,PJ Probert - International Society for Optics and Photonics 被引量: 23发表: 1994年 Collision-free 6D non-holonomic planning for nested cannulas Natural orifice access is the next frontier in minimally invasive technology. This requires dexterity for reaching through complex translumena...
腰痛是临床上的常见症状,慢性腰痛多见寒湿、肾虚、瘀血三种,需依照病情轻重鉴别诊断,遣方用药。寒湿型腰痛为风寒湿邪闭阻于腰府,脾阳不振,经脉气血运行不畅、阻滞不通... 王轶丹,阎丽娟 - 中国中药杂志/专集: 基层医疗机构从业人员科技论文写作培训会议 被引量: 0发表: 2016年 ...
Response to the letter "Randomized phase II study evaluating oxaliplatin alone, oxaliplatin combined with infusional 5-FU and infusional 5-FU alone in advanced pancreatic carcinoma patients", by C. Allior (Ann. Oncol 2004; 15: 1576–1577) Background: Numerous hypermethylated genes have been report...