There is controversy regarding the management of these fractures with different institutions having their own protocols based on individualized experience. The volume-outcome relationship of HVI use for C2 fractures has not been studied. Evaluation of such relationships are important as they suggest that...
弱监督深度学习用于 多发椎体压缩性骨折的CT诊断(Weakly supervised deep learning for diagnosis of multiple vertebral compression fractures in CT) 文献103、 Movement Disorders 2024 IF(2020):10.338 合并轻微幻觉和结构良好重度幻觉的帕金森病患者的功能脑网络研究(Functional Brain Networks ...
In addition, 62.9% of the patients had spinal fractures, 24.0% had other fractures, and 13.7% had brain injuries. Furthermore, 25.1% (337/1,340) of the patients experienced clinical complications. The differences in the number of patients with and without complete injury who accepted surgery ...
•FracturesofFemur(ICD10–S72)i.e.notonlyhipfracture.•Figureshardtofind– Proposednewapproach Methods •ISDSMR01dataset•HipfracturesadmittedtohospitalforresidentsofNHS Boards(treatedanywhere)–ICD9code820andICD10codesS72.0-S72.2,inany...
was released by Boston Scientific Corporation [10]. According to their data, there have been 27 cases of electrode body fractures, resulting in life-threatening events of 1 in 25,000 at 10 years. The overall lead failur...
(九)骨折(癒後不良攣縮)Fractures (十)其他骨科疾病Other orthopaedic disease (十一)扭傷與挫傷Sprain & strain (十二)腦性痳痺Cerebral palsy (十三)頭部外傷Head injury (十四)脊髓灰質炎,小兒麻痺Poliomylits (十五)周邊神經傷害(肌肉麻痺) Peripheral nerves injury (十六)其他神經疾病Other neurological disease ...
However, they were less likely to sustain skull fractures or cervical spine injuries. Helmeted patients were also more likely to hit a stationary object. Our findings reinforce the importance of safe skiing practices and trauma evaluation after high impact injury, regardless of helmet use. III, ...