classified 31 cases of axis body fracture by the type of bony injury depicted in radiographic images into the following four types: avulsion, transverse, burst, and sagittal fractures. The results of treatment in these types were retrospectively analysed for guidelines to be extracted....
Key words: Hangman’s fracture, bucking bar technique, posterior lag screw, fracture reduction, internal fixation 中图分类号: R459.9|R318|R681 引用本文 张浩, 王清, 张建, 李广州, 王高举. 后路C2-3固定结合顶棒置入与单纯后路C2-3固定治疗不稳定Hangman骨折的比较[J]. 中国组织工程研究, 2025...
The studies of electronic structure, mechanical properties and ideal fracture behavior of U3Si1.75Al0.25: First-principle investigations. J. Mater. Res. Technol. 2021, 15, 1356–1369. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Duan, L.; Gao, R.; Huang, Q.; Jia, J.; Li, B.; Liu, X.; Tang, H...
The effect of various types low molecular weight heparins on fracture healing dalteparin and fondaparinux on fracture healing in an experimental rat femur fracture model.Thirty male, Wistar-Albino rats were divided randomly into five gr... S Ferhat,I Serkan,A Kadir Bahadr,... 被引量: 0发表:...
A larger horizontal stress along tunnel axis contributes to more intact fracture rings of zonal disintegration. The spacing and number of parallel fractures of zonal disintegration are directly affected by the curvature of the free surface. 展开 ...
castle nut 槽顶螺母 Castolin 卡斯托林低熔铸铁合金 castor oil 蓖麻油 castor 车辘子 casual sand 不规则砂岩层 casual 偶然的 casualty insurance 灾害保险 casualty 事故 Casuarinidites 木麻黄粉属 cat block 带钩滑车 cat fall 吊锚索 cat hook 猫头绳小钩 ...
损伤类型包括:骨折(fracture)、脱位(dislocation)、扭伤(sprain)、拉伤(strain) 常见的急性损伤包括:踝扭伤、股四头肌拉伤、锁骨骨折、肩关节脱位等。正如之前所讲“运动损伤很大”,小慕在此科普一个最常见的急性损伤--踝扭伤,俗称“崴脚”。 踝关节扭伤(Ankle Sprain) ...
Bloodcellformation(hematopoiesis)Inthebonemarrow ©2015PearsonEducation,Inc.BonesoftheHumanBody Theadultskeletonhas206bonesTwobasictypesofbonetissue 1.Compactbone Dense,smooth,andhomogeneous 2.Spongybone Smallneedle-likepiecesofboneManyopenspaces ©2015PearsonEducation,Inc.Classifica...
This paper discusses the fracture mechanics properties of two types of carbons as a function of heat treat temperature during the graphitizing process. These fracture properties are measured by means of a series of disk tests, which were recently developed to include measurements of 1. (1) diametr...
Background Rehabilitation after ankle fracture can begin soon after the fracture has been treated, either surgically or non-surgically, by the use of different types of immobilisation that allow early commencement of weight-bearing or exercise. Alternatively, rehabilitation, including the use of physical...