身穿国旗星条旗的#24 Corvette C6。R已经证明了他在大型巡回赛的大椭圆球场和公路球场上取得成功的能力。为了更接近赛车界,克尔维特从家乡加利福尼亚州瓦莱约搬到了印第安纳州,在这么小的时候加速的能力让他无论在哪里比赛都变得无足轻重。他的冠军头衔和胜利次数都是无与伦比的,这使他在世界大奖赛上成为受人尊敬...
To be honest, the 1967 Chevrolet Corvette C2 – commonly known as the Sting Ray – doesn’t need any modifications to be a great drag racing car. It is a muscle car right out of the assembly line, but this hasn’t kept hot rod fans from putting their own marks on this iconic little...