POH& Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide: on board. POH 和G1000操作指南:在位 Flight controls: free through all travel 飞行控制:全行程移动自如 Trims: correct deflection. 配平:偏转正确 Throttle and mixture levers, friction control. 油门和混合比控制杆:摩擦力控制 Instrument lighting and flood...
简介 Gyronimo Performance Pad -Cessna 172 S- The ultimate flight computer for Mass & Balance and Performance. Calculate and interpolate performance data using the actual values from the Cessna 172 S Pilot's Operating Handbook. (Note - this app does not provide updated POH data. For flight plan...
Calculate and interpolate performance data using the actual values from the Cessna 172 S Pilot's Operating Handbook. (Note - this app does not provide updated POH data. For flight planning, always use the original POH of the airplane you will be flying) Performance Results are updated immediatel...
内容提示: Pre Solo Test Name: ___ Date: ___ Aircraft Make/Model: ___ Resources needed to answer these questions are: Airplane POH, (including current empty weight), Airport Facility Directory, VFR Charts, and FAR/AIM Part I. Aircraft Systems 1. What is the total fuel capacity? What i...
2022年5月24日,学院CAFUC安全在线收到一条自愿报告,报告提及“C172R型飞机承载三人可能超限”。首先感谢报告者对学院航空安全工作的关心和支持。航空安全办公室根据报告内容,立即组织飞标处进行研讨,现将处理意见回复如下: 中国民航飞行学院 报告内容 C...
57岁的新加坡女性傅缓聂(Poh Yuan Nie)登上了国际刑警组织红色通缉令名单,原因是她曾帮助学生在“中考”中作弊。 据《海峡时报》报道,傅缓聂曾是新加坡一家补习中心的校长,2016年她帮助几名学生在当年的“O水准”考试(GCE O-Level)中作弊,后被判4年有...
Calculate and interpolate performance data using the actual values from the Cessna 172 S Pilot's Operating Handbook. (Note - this app does not provide updated POH data. For flight planning, always use the original POH of the airplane you will be flying) Performance Results are updated immediatel...
Calculate and interpolate performance data using the actual values from the Cessna 172 S Pilot's Operating Handbook. (Note - this app does not provide updated POH data. For flight planning, always use the original POH of the airplane you will be flying) Performance Results are updated immediatel...
例如,现在人们普遍认识到建筑物会消耗大量能源并进行碳排放。为此,我们引入了一门新课程——繁荣与绿色建成环境,由知名教授Lam Khee Poh主讲。这门课程教授以人为本的可持续建筑设计基本原则,旨在实现能源效率与居住者舒适度、幸福感之间的平衡。课...