Contact us The C12741-03 is an InGaAs camera with sensitivity in the near infrared region from 950 nm to 1700 nm. It has a USB 3.0 interface port which supports 14 bit image acquisition and exposure time adjustment. This makes the C12741-03 ideal for use in a wide range of applications...
拓普光研 | TOP Photonics拓普光研(TOP Photonics),成立于2009年,多年来致力于先进光子学相关技术的应用与推广工作。公司与3sae,CorActive,Fibercore,LVF,Furukawa,Hamamatsu,Santec,Yokogawa,Innofocus,GoLight等三十多家光电领域的高科技公司合作,在国内做市场咨询、产品推广、本地化技术服务等工作。 公司专注于光纤传感...