Isotope 2: mass = 37 amu, abundance = 24.23%。 Ar(Cl) = ((35 amu × 0.7577) + (37 amu × 0.2423)) / 12 = 35.45 amu. 中文回答: 碳原子相对质量计算公式。 碳12的相对原子质量定义为精确的12。这意味着一个碳12原子的质量正好为12个原子质量单位(amu)。任何其他元素的相对原子质量都是其原子...
The procedure used to process the pressure-broadened spectra obtained and cal culating the isotope ratio is based on a multidimensional lin ear regression of the spectra using simulated -(13)CO2, -(12)CO2, and H2O spectra. This technique allows the measurement o...