C11000铜合金,通常称为电解韧铜(Electrolytic Tough Pitch Copper,ETP Copper),是最常用的纯铜类型之一。其特点是高纯度铜,含铜量通常在99.90%以上,这使得C11000具有优异的导电性和导热性,同时保持良好的加工性能和延展性。C11000铜广泛应用于电气行业、建筑行业、制造业和艺术领域,因其卓越的性能而受到高度...
C11000是一种高纯度的电解铜(Electrolytic Tough Pitch Copper),根据美国的统一编号系统(UNS)进行分类。这种铜合金以其纯度高、导电性和导热性优异而广泛应用于各个领域。C11000铜含铜量至少为99.90%,是工业中使用最广泛的铜之一,尤其是在需要高导电性和良好加工性的应用中。特性 优异的导电性和导热性: ...
C110 / C11000 Copper Characteristics TEMPER Yield Strength Ultimate Tensile Strength Modulus of Elasticity Brinell Hardness (500kg/10mm) Annealed 10 32 17,000 40 1/2 Hard 42 36 17,000 79 Hard 41 46 17,000 79 Our Clients Say Our compliments on your 100% on time & 100% Quality success....
C11000 ETP Copper C110 Copper, also known as Electrolytic Tough Pitch, is 99.90% pure copper. ETP 110 is one of the most commonly used commercially pure coppers. C11000 copper has one of the highest electrical conductivity ratings, in excess of 100%IACS. ETP C110 copper also has exceptional...
Home » Materials »ETP Copper» C11000 ETP Copper C11000 ETP Copper Bar/ C110 Copper/ ETP C110 C11000 ETP (Electronic Tough Pitch) Copper is one of the most popular copper alloys. C110 is basically pure copper with a 99.9% copper composition. 110 Copper is used in a wide variet...
Please contact one of our knowledgeable sales staff to help you with your Copper needs. Request a Quote * Required Fieds|We will reply you in 24 hours You can contact us by E-mail or other ways.We will respond You in 24hours. You May Need These Shape Raw materials Application...
供应:C11000是一种电解铜,也被称为ETP铜(Electrolytic Tough Pitch Copper)。它由至少99.9%的铜和少量的氧和其他杂质元素(不超过0.04%)组成。C11000具有优良的导电性、导热性和加工性能,被广泛用于制造电线、电缆、电子元器件、太阳能器件、建筑和装修材料、艺术品、琴弦、雕塑等领域。C11000合金具有良好的抗腐蚀性...
C11000 Copper Sheet Strip Foil for PCB 1. Production Specifications The copper strip is in form of rolls. It is used for a variety of applications including construction and architecture, auto manufacturing, electrical components, marine applications and HVAC systems. The high p...
牌号C1100其他名称 C1100/C11000/Cu110/CA110/99.90Cu对应标准 JIS H 3100-2018铜和铜合金片材、板材及带材Copper and copper alloy sheets, plates and strips归类 铜及铜合金性能 耐腐蚀 易切削性标签 紫铜说明① 具有优良的电导率、导热性。具有良好的可加工性、可拉伸性和耐腐蚀、耐风化性能,适用于电力、蒸馏...
COPPER, C11000, ETP ELEMENTMINIMUM Copper99.9% Deoxidents— Oxygen.04 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES COPPER, C11000, ETP ENGLISH UNITS METRIC UNITS Melting Range 1981°F 1083°C Density .321 lb/cu in. @ 68°F 8.89 gm/cm@ 20°C Specific Gravity ...