C11-T3-S3 中 Discussion on Illustrations of a Book 讨论 Question 1 正确答案:cave 解析:原文音频: 获取音频失败 Now, I'm not sure about thedrawing of the cave - it's got trees all around it, which is great, Question 2 正确答案:tiger ...
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【雅思听力C11-T3-S3模考练习】雅思考满分为IELTS考生提供剑桥雅思听力Discussion on Illustrations of a Book模考练习。备考练习C11-T3-S3,上雅思考满分。
【 雅思听力C11-T3-S3模考练习】剑雅11Test3Section3雅思听力模考示例展示。备考练习雅思听力C11-T3-S3,上雅思考满分。
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People who areoutside the forest Add Malcolm sitting on a tree trunk and Ice-skaters oncovered with ice Add afor each person Question 27-30 Drag answers form the box and write the correct letter next to the questions. Who is going to write each of the following parts of the report?
所属专辑:TS打卡 音频列表 1 Favorite building 39 2018-08 2 C11 T3 S3 51 2018-07 3 2018.6.13 Part2 My favorite song. 29 2018-06 4 2018.6.11 Often visit with my family or friends 28 2018-06 5 补卡2018.5.30 TS 练习 P1 49
C11T4S3声声嘉悦349307:16 C4T3S3声声嘉悦1万06:46 C9T3S3声声嘉悦326106:01 C5T3S3声声嘉悦506906:31 C7T3S3声声嘉悦351106:23 C14T3S3声声嘉悦288106:21 C18T3S3声声嘉悦19705:55 C19T3S3声声嘉悦3307:02 C10T3S3声声嘉悦364107:03 C8T3S3声声嘉悦343406:35 C6T3S3声声嘉悦379205:40 C12T3S3声声嘉...