#include <tinycthread.h> typedef struct th_call { thrd_t thr; int push; int ret; } th_call; int call_0x00(void* data) { for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; i++) { printf("thread:[%d], index:[%d]\n", ((th_call*)data)->push, i); } // 偶数 push 返回 0 return ((th...
1.线程的创建 C++11 线程类 std::thread,头文件 include <thread> 首先,看一个最简单的例子: [cpp] view plaincopy1. void my_thread() 2. { 3. 4. } 5. 6. int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 7. { 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. } system("pause"); return 0; std::thread t(my_...
std::thread t(vFunc);//获取当前线程IDstd::cout << t.get_id() <<std::endl;//获取CPU核心数量std::cout << std::thread::hardware_concurrency() <<std::endl;return0; } 3.4 线程休眠 可以通过std::this_thread::sleep_for来让当前函数休眠一段时间。 #include <iostream>#include<thread>#inc...
{ printf("Thread created successfully\n"); } if (thrd_create(&thread1, thread_func, &arg) == thrd_success) { printf("Thread created successfully\n"); } int status; thrd_join(thread, &status); // 等待线程完成 thrd_join(thread1, NULL); // 等待线程完成 printf_s("%d", a); ...
C++11的线程并发要点 1.线程构建 a.通过 std::thread(funPoint,param1,param2) 来创建.当构造函数的参数为空时.默认thread是...
Trivial C11 threads.h implementation over POSIX threads, and not-so-trivial implementation over Win32 threads. Rationale Even though GCC provides the threading features required by the C11 standard (like atomics, and thread-local storage), GNU libc, still does not implement the necessary library fu...
零C11 2024程式300尊享版 吒L 2024增程310闪红衣 因为哪吒L只有程,所...