Aim of this review is to evaluate the prevalence and clinical significance of focal incidental radiolabelled choline uptake in the thyroid gland (CTI) revealed by PET or PET/CT. Methods A comprehensive computer literature search of the PubMed/MEDLINE, Scopus, and Embase databases was conducted to...
PET&SPECT PET正电子断层扫描 SPECT单光子发射型断层扫描 PET&PET/CT CT ECT TCT ECT+TCT SPECTPE(C)T SPECT/CTPET/CT FunctionalMetabolicMolecular (gene)WeisslederR,Radiology2001;5 PET/CT PET/CT中CT的作用•衰减校正•功能和解剖影像的融合,病灶部位的精确 定位•相互补充 非衰减校正 衰减校正 受体 ...
Primary CNS NK-cell lymphoma in a Chinese woman with atypical C11-choline PET and MR spectrometry findingsArticleConflicts of interest: nonedoi:10.1016/j.wneu.2015.06.063Li, LFTaw, BTBPu, KSJHwang, YYGLui, WMLeung, GKKPubMedWorld Neurosurgery...