全球绿色航运走廊最新进展 访全球海事论坛脱碳总监Jesse Fahnestock 今年11月,零排放联盟(Getting to Zero Coalition)和全球海事论坛(Global Maritime Forum)发布了第3版《绿色航运走廊年度进展报告 》,概述了自从在2021年第26届联合国气候变化大会(...
您指的是 “canequivalent” 吗? ▾ 英语-中文正在建设中 equivalent形容词 相当形() 同等形() 不常见: 相等的形 · 等同形 · 等效的形 · 等价的形 equivalent 相等() 不常见: 同样 · 等价 · 当量 equivalent名词 对应者名 · 等同物名
The al-Assad government collapsed as a militant coalition led by the HTS captured the capital Damascus earlier this month. The HTS is still classified as a terrorist group by the United Nations, the United States, and Türkiye, among others.■...
随着对科技期刊的抵触情绪不断升温,美国研究型图书馆联盟(Association of Research Libraries,ARL)发布报告号召学者自行出版期刊,并于1997年成立学术出版与学术界资源联盟(The Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition,SPARC)来创办发展高质量的平价期刊,摆脱...
The poll found that 41 percent of voters currently plan to vote Labor as their first preference -- the same figure as the previous two polls -- and 35 percent the Coalition -- up from 34 percent earlier in February. In addition to his party's strong result, Labor leader Anthony Albanese...
rainbow cactus rainbow chaser rainbow coalition See More Nearby Entries Cite this Entry Style “Rainbow chaser.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/rainbow%20chaser. Accessed 22 Feb. 2025. Copy Citation Share...
Activating communities to achieve public health change and initiate policy reform usually requires collective action from many entities. This case study analyzes inter-organizational networks among members of a coalition created to expand health insurance coverage to uninsured children in a large metropolitan...
Alorsqu'est-cequ'unecivilisationdemoinsde300ans,lesEtats-Unisd'amériquepouvaient-ellescomprendreàtoutça,àcesblocsdepierre,deterrecuiteetdesignes,lorsquepénétrantenIrak,unearméedecoalitionlaissalibrecoursauxprofanateursdetoutessortes. 下载全新《每日法语听力》客户端,查看完整内容 ...
The Conditional Impact of Incumbency on Government Formation. Previous research on coalition politics has found an "incumbency advantage" in government formation, but it has provided no clear explanation as to why thi... MARTIN,W Lanny,STEVENSON,... - 《American Political Science Review》 被引量...
克莱默后来发出呼吁,要求政府和社区对这一流行病作出反应,在他的努力下成立了抗艾滋病激进组织ACT UP(AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power,意为“艾滋病释放力量联盟”,音译名又为“行动起来”)。 这两个里程碑式的成就为LGBTQI+社区助力构建起了前所未有的支持和服务网络,...