我的程序是一个 Python-Flask网络框架。当我使用 Visual Studio Code 调试我的程序时,Pylint 会显示这些错误。我知道这个问题无关紧要,但这让我很恼火。我该如何解决? # -*- coding: utf-8-*-importsysfromflaskimportFlaskfromflask_bootstrapimportBootstrapfromflask_momentimportMoment #fromflask_wtfimportForm...
docker run -it --rm -v$(pwd)/example:/example python:3.10-alpine /bin/ash -x -c"pip install -q pylint==3.3.1 && pylint --version && pylint /example" And then I tested multiple versions of pylint with this script: #!/bin/bash -ePYTHON_VERSION=3.10forpylint_versionin3.0.*3.1.*3.2...
# pylint: disable=no-member 61 changes: 25 additions & 36 deletions 61 edx_sga/static/js/src/edx_sga.js Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ function StaffGradedAssignmentXBlock(runtime, element) { var removeGradeUrl = runtime.handlerUrl(element...