n32610* --physics (atmospheric)--auroral & ionospheric phenomenaatomsdistributionhydrogenlevelslyman linesscatteringsolar radiationspectrathermosphereNot Availabledoi:10.1007/BF00619050Rodionova, G. NBoglaenkova, G. VMikhalenko, S. ASolov'eva, L. I...
英语翻译3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 IR spectrum Peaks at 1517(s) and 1407(s) cm-1 could be attributed to the N=C stretching vibration of phen.Two characteristic adsorption peaks of COO- are vas (COO- ) 1578 cm-1 and vs(COO- ) 1343 cm-1 w
Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) was conducted to investigate the chemical structures of the as-prepared composites (Figure 3a). The broad characteristic peaks located at ~3000–3500 cm−1 are indexed to the stretching vibrations of N-H from the marginal amino groups and O-H fr...
In conjunction with the high sensitivity of a pulsed slit nozzle expansion with multipass optics (0.48 m path length), this narrow band source of tunable ir light allows the high resolution study of overtone (v=2←0) spectra for a wide variety of molecular complexes with H stretching ...
The low-level detector used to recognize contention conditions has a threshold set at about 450 mV and includes an integrator filter for high frequency noise rejection. Design Constraints Maximum Current - The bus can be operated at no more than 3 mA and the bus IR voltage drops must be ...
The stretching frequency of the bridging hydroxyls in MCM-22 zeolite has been calculated by atomistic simulation techniques. In this way our model was able... G Sastre,V Fornes,A Corma - 《Journal of Physical Chemistry B》 被引量: 112发表: 2000年 FT-IR Studies on Light Olefin Skeletal Is...
IR and Raman spectra (organic substances)doi:10.1002/chin.198713037J.Dep.J.Dep.LOPEZ-GARRIGADep.G.Dep.T.Dep.BABCOCKDep.J.Dep.F.Dep.HARRISONDep.ChemInformFactors influencing the C:N stretching frequency in neutral and protonated Schiff’s bases. J. J. Lopez-Garriga,G. T. Babcock,J. F. ...
ChemInform Abstract: Correlations Among One‐Bond Deuterium Isotope Shifts in 13C NMR and C‐ H Stretching Frequencies in IR for Monosubstituted Methane Derivativesmagnetic resonance, nuclear quadrupole resonance (organic substances)IR and Raman spectra (organic substances)...
A comparative study of the integrated extinction coefficients ( A ) of the C≡C stretching bands in the IR spectra of acetylene derivatives Me 3 SiC≡CR, HC≡CR, and Me 3 CC≡CR was carried out. The resonance interactions of substituents with a triple bond are the main cause of the ...
Frequency histograms of total hhoommoogenization temperatures (Thh) and salinities of flfluuiidd inclusions from ddiiffffeerreennttssttaaggeessoofftthheeLLiiyyuuaannggoollddddeeppoossiitt.. Early stage (a,b); mmiddle stage (c,d); aannd late staaggee ((ee,,ff)).. For type II FIs, ...