The Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board has launched two 2023 bid rounds covering 47 parcels and 12.2 million hectares in separate offshore regions. The larger round call for bids covers 28 parcels and 7.2 million hectares in the Eastern Newfoundland region, which includes the...
LETTER FROM CANADA-NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR OFFSHORE PETROLEUM BOARD (C-NLOPB) RE:FRASER, G. AND ELLIS, J. (2008), JEAPM VOL. 10(2)A letter to the editor is presented in response to the article "Offshore Hydrocarbon and Synthetic Hydrocarbon Spills In Eastern Canada: The Issue of ...
A response by Gail Fraser and Joanne Ellis to the letter to the editor about their article "Offshore Hydrocarbon and Synthetic Hydrocarbon Spills In Eastern Canada: The Issue of Follow-Up and Experience," in the June 2008 issue is presented....
NoneWorld Scientific Publishing CompanyJournal of Environmental Assessment Policy & ManagementFraser, G.S., Ellis, J., 2008c. Reply from Gail Fraser and Joanne Ellis to a letter from C- NLOPB. J. Environ. Assess. Policy Manage. 10, 475-481....