根据Genbank中小鼠c-fos基因序列及oligo软件引 物设计原则,利用Primer primer5.0软件设计引物.C-fos 上游引物 : 5'-GG AAG CTT ATG ATG TTC ACC GC-3'(HindIII),下游引物:5'-AC GGA TCC TTA AAG AGT TAG CAG-3'(BamHI).引物由TaKaRa工程(大连)有 限公司合成,预扩增c-fos mRNA的1 094个碱基DNA片段...
(Product # 4351106) with optimized PCR primer pairs for the promoters of the active JAG1, MMP13 region used as positive control target genes, and the region of the inactive SAT2 satellite repeat, used as negative control target gene. Data is compared between untreated vs treated samples and ...
(Product # 4351106) with optimized PCR primer pairs for the promoters of the active JAG1 region used as positive control target genes, and the region of the inactive MYOD, SAT2 satellite repeat, used as negative control target gene. Data is presented as fold enrichment of the antibody signal...
For all primer pairs, a standard curve from serial dilutions of the PCR product with known concentration or the input DNA was assessed. Primer sequences are available on request. B cell isolation Human primary B cells from adenoids were prepared and naı¨ ve B c...
A volume of 2 ml of each RT products were PCR amplified in a final volume of 20 ml using Taq PCR master mix (Qiagen, Valencia, CA) and Neuropsychopharmacology 0.5 ml of each c-jun gene-specific primers (final concentra- tion 1 mM). The levels of 28S rRNA served as an endogenous ...
The following primers were used for c-Jun sequence amplification: forward 50-GGATCCATGACTGCAAGATGG-30 and reverse 50-GCGGCCGCTTATCATCT AGAC3-30. Lentiviral particles were produced as previously described49 (Bender, FL). HEK 293T cells were transfected with packaging vector pCMVDR8.9 s, ...
"Ready-To-Go You-Prime It First-Strand-Beads" (Amersham Pharmacia Biotech). PCR products were analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis or alternatively quantified by real-time PCR analysis using an Opticon2 Monitor Fluorescence Thermocycler (MJ Research). Primers sequences are available upon request....
表1 eIF4E、PPARGC-1、VEGFA、C-Jun和GAPDH基因引物参数Tab.1 Parameters of primer pairs for eIF4E,PPARGC-1,VEGFA,C-Jun and GAPDH gene基因Genes引物序列Primer sequence位置Position产物/bpProducteIF4ES 5′-TACTGTTGAAGACTTTTGGG-3′171~191105A 5′-CACATAGGCTCAATACCATC-3′236~256PPARGC-1S 5′...
DNA PrimersOligodeoxyribonucleotides, Antisense3' Untranslated RegionsXenopus ProteinsRNA-Binding ProteinsRibonucleoproteinsRestriction MappingCloning, MolecularIn mammalian cells, certain mRNAs encoding cytokines or proto-oncogenes are especially unstable, because of the presence of a particular sequence element ...