CDICCongressional District Impeachment Committee CDICClostridium Difficile-Induced Colitis CDICCarbon Dioxide Information Center CDICCenter for Data Intensive Computing(BNL) CDICContrat à Durée Indéterminée de Chantier(French: Contract for an Indefinite Period of Construction) ...
Circular polarized light–differential interference contrast (C–DIC)is a new polarization–optical differential interference contrast method where,unlike conventional DIC according to Nomarski [Interfe ´rome `tre a `polarisation,French Patent 1.059.123,1952.],the DIC prism (DP)is arranged in ...
Conclusions: There are no negative effects on diagnosis of coronal MRI with regard to CDIC dental implants and baked porcelain metal crown. 结论:CDIC种植体和口腔内特定位置的烤瓷金属修复体不影响头颅MRI诊断。 2. Objective: To study the clinical application of CDIC artificial...
必应词典为您提供c-dic的释义,网络释义: 气袋传感器;微分干涉;微分干涉衬度;
种植体的市场-90%左右被外资品牌所占据-国产品牌的市场份额10%左右-cdic种植体目前来说市场使用率还是比较低. 但是CDIC种植系统到底咋样呢-可以说和其他植体设计都差不多-如果医生说你可以种-那么你就可以种-欧美-瑞典种植体贵是因为已经经过多年的临床使用-成功案例很高-在业界口碑也好. ...
optimize the model and unroll the iterative steps into a deep CDic model. Especially, the proximal operators are replaced by learnable ResNet. In addition, multi-scale dictionaries are introduced to further improve the model performance. We test our MC-CDic model on multi-contrast MRI SR and ...
华西cdic种植体价格相对来说还是比较便宜的,大概价格一般4000左右种一颗。 华西cdic种植体能用多久? 华西cdic种植体能用其实上面小编也有大致的介绍了,华西cdic种植体从1992年到现在,临床时间已经超过30年了。但是这个数据,也仅供大家参考。...
今日介绍:国产CDIC种植体集采价格4000元起一颗,CDIC种植体价格不贵还靠谱,随着我国口腔医疗事业的不断发展,越来越多的人需要进行种植牙修复,而国产CDIC种植体的推出,则为广大顾客提供了更为实惠的选择。 据小编了解,国产CDIC种植体的集采价格仅为4000元起,对顾客来说真的是一个好消息。
optimize the model and unroll the iterative steps into a deep CDic model. Especially, the proximal operators are replaced by learnable ResNet. In addition, multi-scale dictionaries are introduced to further improve the model performance. We test our MC-CDic model on multi-contrast MRI SR and ...
西安长安大学长安都柏林国际交通学院(CDIC)是长安大学(CHD)与都柏林大学(UCD)合作举办的非独立法人中外合作办学机构,为长安大学二级学院建制。学院引进爱尔兰都柏林大学先进的办学理念、课程体系、师资力量等优质教育资源,注重交叉创新、协同发展,以建设交通运输工程领域特色鲜明的国际化学院为目标开展 “4+0、双学籍、...