元素分析结果表明,经过巯基化后,TWA的硫含量从0%增加到2.75%,氮含量从0%增加到2.87%。FTIR和XPS结果表明L-半胱氨酸以席夫碱的方式接枝到醛基化木材气凝胶的纤维素骨架上,证实了巯基化木材气凝胶(TWA)的成功制备。 图2. NW(a)...
//onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/anie.202405902电催化讨论群-1:529627044 光催化群-2:927909706 均相催化与酶催化群-2:929342001 纳米催化群-1:256363607 多孔材料群-2:813094255 理论计算群-2:863569400 广告同步辐射丨球差电镜丨FIB-TEM...
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The syn- thesized precursors and desired chromophores were characterized by FTIR, 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, and HRMS. Keywords: palladium catalysis; C-C coupling; Pd(PPh3)4; Pd(PPh3)2Cl2; Pd(dppf)Cl2; phenothiazine; phenoxazine; carbazole; quinoxaline; pinacol ester Copyright: © 2022 by the ...
ISO/IEC 17025 认可证书 № Test Object Volatile organic compounds 20 portable monitoring instrument based on FTIR method Item/Parameter № Item/ Parameter 6 Time control system 7 Noise 8 insulating property 9 Air tightness of the whole machine 10 MTBF 1 Detection limit of instrument 2 Sample ...
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Hence, we examined the fibrils with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and found broad bands in the amide I spectral region with maxima centered between 1628–1636 cm−1 (Fig. 4A). However, minor differences in the shape of the recorded spectra are evident in the β-sheet ...