Herc Factor: Why the C-130J Super Hercules is the MVP When it comes to tactical airlift, the C-130J Super Hercules is in a league of its own. Retired U.S. Air Force General of the Air Mobility Command, Gen. Carlton D. Everhart II, breaks down why the Super Herc is the best op...
时间计算从1996年4月5日首飞起,到今年第三季度止,纪录由18个国家的22家运营机构400多架C-130J共同创造。 洛马公司在新闻简报中称:这些“超级大力神”通过作战、运输、空中加油、特别行动、医疗后送、人道主义救济、搜索和救援、气象侦察、消防和商业货运等多项任务证明,C-130J“Super Hercules”是当今世界最可靠...
The C-130J is faster, goes further and holds more compared tolegacyplatforms, translating to greater power and enhanced capabilities. The C-130J Super Hercules is the most advanced C-130 ever designed, built, flown and maintained, with a truly integrated digital core that offers: Dual HUDs ...
Proven Multirole, Multimission Capabilities The C-130J-30 is a stretch version of the C-130J, a proven, highly reliable and affordable airlifter. The C-130J-30 adds 15 feet to the fuselage, increasing usable space (two more pallets of equipment) in the cargo compartment. ...
C-130J 是 C-130 Hercules 的最新版本,也是目前生产的唯一型号。截至2022年3月,已向22个国家的26家运营商交付了500架C-130J飞机。C-130 Hercules 是 60 多年来持续生产时间最长的军用飞机,目前正在生产更新的 C-130J Super Hercules。作为货运和空运飞机,虽然美国空军的专业变型(AC-130J、EC-130J、MC-130...
Select the Type of Patch You Want on Your Stand:: No PatchAir Force LogoNavy LogoArmy LogoMarines LogoCustom Patch or Logo (Attach below) Upload Patch (optional): Customize Your Data Plate:: Line 1: Line 2: Line 3: If this is a squadron order, type the Sq's name:: ...
Bangladesh Air Force received its final C-130J airlift. Image courtesy of Marshall. Marshall Aerospace delivered the final C-130J Super Hercules aircraft to the Bangladesh Air Force (BAF), completing a five-year programme to upgrade the fleet. ...
C-130J-30 Super Hercules 久经考验的多用途、多任务能力 C-130J-30 是 C-130J 的加长版本,是一款久经考验、高度可靠且价格合理的运输机。C-130J-30 增加了 15 英尺的机身,增加了货舱的可用空间(另外两个设备托盘)。 C-130J-30飞机基于标准的C-130J飞机,但是机身要比C-130J长457厘米,其空运能力更强...
Home > Military Custom Models > C-130J-30 Super Hercules Custom Express Model Airplane C-130J-30 Super Hercules Custom Express Model Airplane¥3,687.00 Quantity Add a customized tail number, squadron specific tail flash, accurate prop markings and up to 3 lines of text on your stand...