产品 > 应用产品 > 3D模型库 > 分类 > 详情页 模型说明 Model Description 洛克希德C-130“大力神”(英语:Lockheed C-130 Hercules)是由美国洛克希德公司(现洛克希德·马丁公司)在上个世纪五十年代研制的四发涡桨多用途战术运输机。 C-130是世界上设计最成功、使用时间最长、服役国家最多的运输机之一,从1954年...
3D Model damiruggi 30 30Views 0Like Report Triangles:170.6k Vertices:103.9k More model information Cómo es el C-130 Hércules, el avión militar que desapareció rumbo a la Antártida con 38 personas a bordo https://www.infobae.com/america/america-latina/2019/12/10/como-es-el-c-130-hercu...
NOTE: This 3d model is an artistic digital representation of the subject matter. Mesh Factory does not endorse and is not endorsed by the manufacturer of the subject matter. Historical Facts H-model upgrades: T56-A-15 4-blade turboprops, Redesigned outer wing, Updated avionics, Fatigue-life-...
C-130赫拉克勒斯3D模型 来自Omegavision $199 3D 模型 产品规格 4,744 多边形 Polygonal Ngons used 几何 纹理 物料 UV映射 Mixed 未包装UV 产品编号:961520 Sep 18, 2015 来自Omegavision 944个产品 自2008起 C-130 Hercules USAF Low poly 3d model by Omegavision ...
3D Model damiruggi Follow 30 30 Views 0Like Add toEmbedShareReport Triangles: 170.6k Vertices: 103.9kMore model information Cómo es el C-130 Hércules, el avión militar que desapareció rumbo a la Antártida con 38 personas a bordo https://www.infobae.com/america/america-latina/2019/12/10...
3D模型C-130赫拉克勒斯下载例如max, c4d, max, ma, and lwo免版税on TurboSquid:游戏,建筑,视频的3D模型。(646668)
Model: C-130 : Military Transport Plane Media Type: 3D Model Geometry: Quads/Tris Textures: Yes Materials: Yes UV Mapped: Yes Unwrapped UV''s: Yes Non Overlapping Related keywords ArmycargotransportairplaneC-130usaircraftC130militaryWaraeroplaneherculesAirforceLockheedplane ...
This is the biggest RC model plane that I ever build and fly. The wingspan is 3000mm or almost 10ft. Use almost entirely 5mm foam board as the build material. In this video also the first time I made propeller spinners with 3D printer, and make foam wheels and firewall with laser cu...
Another prominent role for the B model was with the United States Marine Corps, where Hercules initially designated as GV-1s replaced C-119s. After Air Force C-130Ds proved the type's usefulness in Antarctica, the U.S. Navy purchased several B-models equipped with skis that were designated...
The C-130B model was developed to complement the A-models that had previously been delivered, and incorporated new features, particularly increased fuel capacity in the form of auxiliary tanks built into the center wing section and an AC electrical system. Four-bladed Hamilton Standard propellers ...