fwrite(data, sizeof(char), strlen(data), file); fclose(file); printf("Data written to file successfully\n"); return 0; } ``` 在这个例子中,首先定义一个文件指针file和一个字符串data,然后用fopen函数打开一个名为"output.txt"的文件,并以写入模式打开。接着使用fwrite函数将字符串data写入到文件...
printf("write %d.\n",dwWrite); printf("done.\n"); CloseHandle(hFILE); return 0; } 2. ReadFile函数 从文件指针指向的位置开始将数据读出到一个文件中, 且支持同步和异步操作,如果文件打开方式没有指明FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED的话,当程序调用成功时,它将实际读出文件的字节数保存到lpNumberOfBytesRead指明...
Write To a FileLet's use the w mode from the previous chapter again, and write something to the file we just created.The w mode means that the file is opened for writing. To insert content to it, you can use the fprintf() function and add the pointer variable (fptr in our example...
FileHandle=CreateFile("Win32 API.txt",GENERIC_WRITE,0,NULL,CREATE_NEW, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,NULL); DWORD dwWrites; WriteFile(FileHandle,"Win32 API Function",strlen("Win32 API Function"), &dwWrites,NULL); CloseHandle(FileHandle); /*** * Win32 API实现文件读操作 * ***/ HANDLE FileH...
printf("can not open the file\n"); return1; } charbuf[1024]={"I love www.dotcpp.com very much!"},buf2[1024]={"\0"}; intlen=write(fd,buf,strlen(buf)); lseek(fd,0,SEEK_SET); intlen2=read(fd,buf2,1024); printf("%s\nlen=%d\n",buf2,len); ...
void write_file() { // 1 打开文件 FILE *fp = fopen("./1.txt", "w"); // 2 写文件 fputs("10+10=\n", fp); fputs("10-10=\n", fp); fputs("10*10=\n", fp); fputs("10+5=\n", fp); fputs("10-5=\n", fp); ...
代码:/* reopen.cc */#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>int main(int argc,char *argv[]){ char filename[40] = "output.txt"; freopen(filename, "w", stdout); printf("Write something into %s", filename); return 0;} 6 篇幅所限,不再举更复杂的例子。C语言标准库还有其他读写函数...
1. CreateFile函数 这个函数的功能是创建或者打开一个文件或者I/O设备,通常使用的I/O形式有文件、文件流、目录、物理磁盘、卷、终端流等。如执行成功,则返回文件句柄。 INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE 表示出错,会设置 GetLastError 。 函数的声明定义: </>code
CFile::shareDenyRead | CFile::typeBinary, &cFileEx)) rdBuffer = (CHAR *)malloc(104857600); //100MB cFile.Read(rdBuffer, 104857600); cFile.Close(); // 我在這邊有計算呼叫Read所執行的時間:1 sec // 如果有移除裝置,得到的時間大約為:9 sec 結論是: 當我呼叫Write()時他...
//按照字符读写文件:fgetc(), fputc() void test01() { //写文件 FILE * f_write = fopen("./test01.txt", "w+"); if (f_write == NULL) { return; } char buf[] = "this is first test"; for (int i = 0; i < strlen(buf);i++) { fputc(buf[i], f_write); } fclose(f...