C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download文件夹是 Windows 系统中负责存储更新文件的临时位置,它确保了系统可以及时获取并安装最新的修复程序和功能更新。 C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\Install和C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\SharedFileCache这两个子文件夹是与 Windows 更新相关的临时存储目录。下面是...
C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution folder VIRUS-Trojan Can a SYMLINK be created for a file across different servers ? Can access server by FQDN but not by ip or name Can anybody tell me what calluxxprovider.vbs does? Can being part of a domain slow down your computer? Can get IP but can'...
1、点击左下角的搜索按键,输入cmd,再点击以管理员权限运行 2、打开命令行然后输入net stop wuauserv,点击回车,停止Windows更新服务 3、再输入ren c:\windows\SoftwareDistribution softwaredistribution.old,点击回车。再输入net start wuauserv,重新启动windows更新服务 4、最后回到Windows 更新界面,重新检查更新...
Restart the computer and del the folder if you have no issues. 我最后使用的是关闭服务中的“Windows Update”, 然后重命名softwaredistribution为softwaredistribution.old确保没问题后再删除 当然网友可以参考 1.(1)打开控制面板 (2)打开管理工具 (3)打开“服务” (4)停止“Windows Update”服务 (5)删除C:\...
方法一:尝试以下操作,查看一下 1.重命名SoftwareDistribution 文件夹:按住Windows 键+R键打开运行,在输入框内中输入services.msc,并按下回车。双击打开“Windows Update”服务。然后点击“服务状态”下面的“关闭”按钮,将启动类型改为“禁用”然后重命名C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution文件夹为SDfolder ...
I just need to be able to clear the C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution folder where the new build is downloaded to (unless it's different on mobile?). Is there any way to get access to this folder and delete/rename it? As far as I can tell, this would allow the update to download for...
1. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to:C:\Windowsfolder. 2. Find andDeletethe "SoftwareDistribution" folder (or rename it. e.g. to "SoftwareDistributionOLD") . * * Note:If you cannot delete the folder, start Windows in Safe Mode. ...
Step 2: Delete the SoftwareDistribution folder.1. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to: C:\Windows folder. 2. Find and Delete the “SoftwareDistribution” folder (or rename it. e.g. to “SoftwareDistributionOLD”) .Step 3: Start the Windows Update Service....
WinSxS 文件夹(Windows Side-by-Side)是 Windows 操作系统中的一个特殊文件夹,用于存储操作系统和应用程序的共享组件、系统文件以及不同版本的 DLL 文件。这个文件夹在 Windows 中有着重要的作用,主要是为了确保系统可以兼容不同版本的软件和组件,同时避免文件冲突。