While Loop’s syntax is something like this: Syntax while (condition) { // code to be executed statements; statements; . . } 2. Do while loop Do while loop is used when we want to execute the statement inside the Do while loop block once. We finally check the condition in the Do ...
Thedo..whileloop is similar to thewhileloop with one important difference. The body ofdo...whileloop is executed at least once. Only then, the test expression is evaluated. The syntax of thedo...whileloop is: do{// the body of the loop}while(testExpression); ...
Below is the syntax of thedo...whileloop - do { //body //Code to be repeated till the test condition; //other statement like ++/-- }while(test_condition); Flow chart Below is the flow chart of thedo...whileloop - C do...while Loop: Example 1 ...
while loop Flowchart Syntax while(test condition){ //code to be executed } If the test condition inside the () becomes true, the body of the loop executes else loop terminates without execution. The process repeats until the test condition becomes false. Example: while loop in C // ...
for loop while loop do...while loop We will learn aboutforloop in this tutorial. In the next tutorial, we will learn aboutwhileanddo...whileloop. for Loop The syntax of theforloop is: for(initializationStatement; testExpression; updateStatement) {// statements inside the body of loop} ...
There are three types of loops: for, while, and do..while. Each of them has their specific uses. They are all outlined below. FOR - for loops are the most useful type. The syntax for a for loop is 1 2 3 for ( variable initialization; condition; variable update ) { Code to ...
Tags:how to use while statement in cwhile do statement cwhile loop cwhile statement cwhile statement how to You may also like... Follow: Free C Cheatsheet Speed up your C programming using this 7-page cheatsheet for instant and convenient access to C concepts, snippets, and syntax. ...
熟悉Rust和Golang语法的同学肯定对loop用法不陌生,说白了它是While-True的语法糖,即任何写在loop作用域内的代码都会被无限循环执行,直到遇见break。 比如在Golang中可以通过for和大括号的组合实现loop效果—— import"fmt"funcmain(){sum:=0for{sum+=1ifsum==10{break}}fmt.Println(sum)} ...
help ofdo-whileloop. Thedostatement evaluates the body of the loop first and at the end, the condition is checked usingwhilestatement. It means that the body of the loop will be executed at least once, even though the starting condition insidewhileis initialized to befalse. General syntax ...
The syntax for ado whilestatement is: doloop_body_statementwhile(cond_exp); where: loop_body_statementis any valid C statement or block. cond_expis an expression that is evaluated at the end of each pass through the loop. If the value of the expression is "false" (i.e., compares equ...