while(condition) { // code block to be executed } In the example below, the code in the loop will run, over and over again, as long as a variable (i) is less than 5: Example inti =0; while(i <5) { printf("%d\n", i); ...
(1)while 语句是先计算表达式的值,再执行循环体, do…while是执行完一次循环体,再计算表达式的值 (2)当表达式的值第一次为假时,while的循环体一次都不执行,do…while则执行一次循环体; (3)当表达式的值为真时,两者无区别 (4)在不确定 条件次数 的情况下, 程序一般用while比较多 for循环语句 一、 for 循...
int main(void){ const int secret_code = 13;int code_entered;do { printf("To enter the triskaidekaphobia therapy club,\n");printf("please enter the secret code number: ");scanf("%d", &code_entered);} while (code_entered != secret_code);printf("Congratulations! You are cur...
我尝试将C语言转换为MIPS的代码如下: do{ code } while(x != 0) 在mips中我声明 loop: #code # and down here I should be translating while(x != 0) 如何使用分支语句最有效地翻译while(x != 0)?看起来像once x == 0,do while循环停止。 浏览33提问于2021-01-20得票数 0 回答已采纳 4回...
loop是一个在编程中习惯用的语句标号。且长配合goto语句使用。由于现在编程不提倡使用goto语句,c中的语句标号也好少用到。...在C语言中提供了4种转移语句: goto,break, continue和return。其中的return语句只能出现在被调函数中, 用于返回主调函数,我们将在函数一章
can all for loops be rewritten using a while loop? EustaciaonJuly 1st, 2013: Thanks so much for your tutorials! I’m doing a basic course in C Code, but it’s taught in Japanese so these are really saving my grade! I have a question: I’m supposed to build a program where I ent...
}intmain(void){intmax = INT_MIN,/* initialize max to minimum possible value */first_loop =1;/* flag for 1st iteration, set true */while(1) {/* loop continually */intrtn, tmp;/* variable for scanf() return, temp value */fputs("enter value, -1 to exit: ",stdout);/* prompt...
/* unroll the loop in blocks of 8 */ while( i < blocklimit ) { printf("process(%d)\n", i); printf("process(%d)\n", i+1); printf("process(%d)\n", i+2); printf("process(%d)\n", i+3); printf("process(%d)\n", i+4); ...
C do while 循环的小小练习 克服对 for loop 的依赖。 # #麦文学瞎编的 DATASINK # 授权: WTFPL # 请随意扩散和使用 # #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <malloc.h> #include <assert.h> // add this for assert() #include <crtdbg.h> // add this for assert() ...
while (scanf("%ld",&num) ==1) 对于涉及索引计数的循环,用for循环更适合。例如: for (count=1; count <= 100; count++) 嵌套循环# 嵌套循环(nested loop)指在一个循环内包含另一个循环。嵌套循环常用于按行和列显示数据,也就是说,一个循环处理一行中的所有列,另一个循环处理所有的行。