Lauterbach GmbH Premium Partner Read More Lauterbach’s logic analyzers are the perfect extensions to TRACE32® debug and trace tools. They allow the recording of digital and analog signals, which can be correlated to the recorded program flow. Key benefits are: ...
The PSoC 5LP CY8C52LP family integrates configurable analog and digital peripherals, memory, and a microcontroller on a single chip. The CY8C52LP family architecture boosts performance through: 32-bit Arm Cortex-M3 core plus DMA controller at up to 80 MHz ...
root@(none):/# strace -e trace=ioctl df_andi (*) Direct/Thread: Started 'SigHandler' (920) [CRITICAL - OTHER/0] <85292>... ~~~| DirectFB 1.7.7 |~~~ (c) 2012-2015 DirectFB integrated media GmbH (c) 2001-2015 The world wide DirectFB Open Source Community (c) 2000-2004 Conve...
TRACE32® supports µCLinux on Cortex™-M3/4
Process Control GmbH Process control C1796 Sn:316658 PROCESS P/N C1796 SN:313753 PROCEQ bambino 2 PROCENTEC NR.17010 PROCENTEC GmbH 30723 PROCENTEC GmbH TERMINATOR|101-00211A Procentec 1601ProfiHub A5 PROCENTEC 30021, ProfiTrace2 + ProfiCore Ultra PROCENTEC 14020, PA Probe Ultra Probeam NR.43...
cade computerassisted cade computerassisted cadem computer aided cadenas gmbh cadence aeon cadence aftereffect cadence approach cadenced-ringing cadence software cad graph element cad graphic cadis computeraidedde cadm cadmac computeraidedd cadmium-nickel accumu cadmium absorption cadmium analyzer cadmiumcha...
6月17日消息,心脏病诊断公司MedTrace获得了近3000万美元的投资,Swisscanto Invest、ATP以及BankInvest参与了此次投资。公司表示,本轮融资将用于公司扩张以及在癌症诊断领域建立新业务。MedTrace Pharma2015年在丹麦创立,其MT-100设备可以生产和使用更安全、更准确的放射性水作为心脏病患者诊断扫描的示踪剂。(创鉴汇) ...
There is an ongoing discussion whether this number could be smaller [16], but in any case, the actual light output is strongly reduced in the presence of trace contaminants and a priori not precisely known for many experiments, including Gerda. An estimate based on the measured triplet life...
2004年7月投资中国台湾硬盘制造商Trace Storage Technology(公司名现为:昭和电工HD Trace Corporation),将其纳入合并子公司 2009年7月收购富士通(株)的硬盘业务(公司名现为:ResonacHD山形) 2009年12月昭和炭酸(株)成为其全资子公司(公司名现为:Resonac Gas Products) ...