('Delphi: TNode size = ',sizeof(TNode), ' char size = ',sizeof(char),' pointer size = ',sizeof(pmem)); s_time := GetTickCount(); //初始数组相关数值,数字转换为字符串,并存储到字段 //产生随机数 randomize; for i := 0 to num - 1 do begin g_arr[i].value := i; strPcopy...
4 Porting C++ struct to Delphi 2 C struct to Delphi record (conversion) 5 Migrate C struct to Delphi record 3 Delphi from bytes to struct 2 How to translate an empty C struct inside struct to Delphi? 0 What is the equivalent Delphi structure to this C type? 3 Convert C structure...
Converts 1 and 2 dimensional arrays Converts many other common routines to Delphi equivalents (strcpy,strcat,strlen,printf,argv,argc,etc) Converts classes drag/drop multiple C files to the application. It’ll find the .h files that belong to it, and convert all to .pas files...
I am trying to convert the following two interfaces from a C header file to a Delphi PAS unit but have run into strange problems when using the ones I did myself. I need help understanding how to implement these in Delphi. Source interfaces from c header file: interfaceIParamConfig: IUnkn...
"P/Invoke Wizard": 是微软提供的免费工具,允许将C/C++和.Net DLL的头文件自动转换为Delphi的头文件和单元文件。 "CLinuxWorks": 该工具主要支持Linux平台,可以将C/C++共享库转换为静态或动态库,同时也支持将头文件转换为Delphi单元文件。 审查文件头转换规则:在进行文件转换之前,请务必充分了解工具所支持的C...
翻译成Delphi应该是PMyType才符合Borland的风格。常量的命名通常与原来的名称,包括大写字母和下划线。以下是一些实例 C Delphi-翻译 typedef struct _IMAGE_FILE_HEADER { WORD Machine; WORD NumberOfSections; DWORD TimeDateStamp; DWORD PointerToSymbolTable; DWORD NumberOfSymbols; WORD SizeOfOptionalHeader; ...
Please can any one help in converting this fltUser.h ( used in WDDK ) from C to Delphi . *** fltUser.h *** /*++ Copyright (c) 1989-2002 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: fltUser.h Abstract: Header file which contains the structures, type definitions, constants...
哪位高手把 c 语言..//全排列char *AllList(char *str, int *pNum){ int i, j, k, n; int len = strlen(str); int Total
C,C++ To Delphi转换器(源码).rar 点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:3 积分 电信网络下载 kfb007 2018-11-25 16:01:55 评论 确实好用,顶一个seaandfly 2018-05-03 20:05:30 评论 还没有使用,支持一下。apersonap 2016-09-15 17:30:50 评论 好像没法用啊!redsky_l 2016-04-26 11:28:40 ...
C,C++ To Delphi转换器(源码).rar 上传者:max312817058时间:2007-10-11 delphi 写的BT下载的工具 源代码 delphi 写的BT下载的工具 源代码 上传者:yaojianxing007时间:2008-09-07 Delphi多桌面工具(源码) DELPHI版本的多桌面工具,在XE8下编译通过。代码思路清晰。一看就懂。一学会用。适用于在一些特定应用场景...