standard output You're given a list ofnstringsa1, a2, ..., an. You'd like to concatenate them together in some order such that the resulting string would be lexicographically smallest. Given the list of strings, output the lexicographically smallest concatenation. Input The first line c...
#include<cstdio>#include<cstring>#include<algorithm>#include<iostream>#include<string>usingnamespacestd;constintmaxn =50010;stringstr[maxn];boolcmp(stringa,stringb) {if((a+b) < (b+a))returntrue;returnfalse; }intmain() {intn; scanf("%d",&n);for(inti=0;i<n;i++){ cin>>str[i]...
nstringsa1, a2, ..., an. You'd like to concatenate them together in some order such that the resulting string would be lexicographically smallest. Given the list of strings, output the lexicographically smallest concatenation. Input n— the number of strings (1 ≤ n ≤ 5·...
The Smallest String Concatenation 强大的stl,还有这种操作~~ You're given a list of n strings a1, a2, ..., an. You'd like to concatenate them together in some order such that the resulting string would be lexi...C. The Smallest String Concatenation C. The Smallest String ...
C. The Smallest String Concatenation time limit per test3 seconds memory limit per test256 megabytes You're given a list of n strings a1, a2, ..., an. You'd like to concatenate them together in some order such that the resulting string would be lexicographically smallest. Given ...
131. Pointer Application (Finding the Largest & Smallest Elements in an Array) 07:06 132. POINTERS in C 16:59 133. Factorial of a large number 13:38 134. C - Square shape using stars 04:13 135. How to Make Pattern in C 03:10 136. C Practical and Assignment Programs-Pattern...
In late autumn eveningnrobots gathered in the cheerful company of friends. Each robot has a unique identifier — an integer from 1 to 109. At some moment, robots decided to play the game "Snowball". Below there are the rules of this game. First, all robots stand in a row. Then the ...
SmallestElement.c StringCOmparison.c StringConcatenation.c String_Functions.c String_length.c Structures.c SumAndAverage.c SumAndAverage2.c SumOfOddIn1To300.c SumWithRecursion.c Triagle_Area.c Union_In_C.c UserDefinedSwapFnx.c User_Defined_Function.c ValueInterchange.c Vowel_Count.c gets_and...
A token is the smallest independent unit of meaning in a program, as defined by the compiler. Adjacent identifiers, keywords, and literals must be separated with white space. Other tokens should be separated by white space to make the source code more readable. White space includes blanks, ...
20.Write a program in C to find the largest and smallest words in a string. Test Data : Input the string : It is a string with smallest and largest word. Expected Output: The largest word is 'smallest' and the smallest word is 'a' ...