On a broader spectrum, all of the symbolic meanings fall on one thing, belief. And Chinese people are firm believers. Chinese symbols represent good and bad fortune. In addition to fortune, they also portray wealth, happiness, health, and prosperity. Moreover, some symbols are considered ominou...
Plowshares and pruning hooks represent farming tools, which are symbols for all peaceful activities. So when a modern nation“beats its swords into plowshares,”it could be manufacturing passenger planes instead of bombers, or camera phones instead of military radar systems. ►语源:这是众多源于《...
View All "C" Symbolson OnePage. Dream Dictionary ABCDE FGHIJK LMNOP QRSTU VWXYZ Cat To see a cat in your dream symbolizes an independent spirit, feminine sexuality, creativity, and power. It also represents misfortune and bad luck. The dream symbol has different significance depending on whethe...
--with-multilib-generator=can specify what multilibs to build. The argument is a semicolon separated list of values, possibly consisting of a single value. Currently only supported for riscv*--elf. The accepted values and meanings are given below. Every config is constructed with four component...
When playing a game of charades(打哑谜猜字游戏) , we act out our meaning, using our hands and bodies to describe the sizes and shapes of objects. The key to this process of forming new symbols is the use of iconicity. Not limited to gesturing, iconicity appears in our visual ...
* symbolic: adj. containing symbols, or being used as a symbol 使用象征的;作为象征的;象征性的 * values: [pl.] beliefs about what is right and wrong and what is important in life 是非标准;生活准则;价值观 * excitement: n. the state of feeling excited 激动;兴奋;刺激 ...
Top 10 Lucky Symbols Chinese characters usually have one or more meanings and some of them are particularly loved by Chinese people. Here is the top ten list of the lucky ones. Please note Pinyin is also used here, which is the Chinese spelling system for the characters. For example, fu ...
However, not all devices include a symbol to help you decode the technology inside—some manufacturers prefer to leave off these symbols entirely. If your device isn’t labeled (or if you just don’t have the time to decipher these hieroglyphic USB symbols), you can contact the device manufa...
As with all symbols, these can bring about great positive(积极的) parts into our lives. By understanding their meanings, we think about the desired(渴望的) part each symbol represents. Crane: The crane is a legend(传说) in China for being the prince with feathers on earth. Next to(...
Broadly speaking, scope is the general context used to differentiate the meanings of entity names. The rules for scope combined with those for name resolution enable the compiler to determine whether a reference to an identifier is legal at a given point in a file. The scope of a declaration...