Compiler error C2229class/struct/union 'type' has an illegal zero-sized array Compiler error C2230could not find module 'name' Compiler error C2231'.identifier': left operand points to 'class/struct/union', use '->' Compiler error C2232'->identifier': left operand has 'class/struct/union...
俄罗斯OOO Program Verification Systems公司用自己的静态源码分析产品PVS-Studio对一些知名的C/C++开源项目,诸如Apache Http Server、Chromium、Clang、CMake、MySQL等的源码进行了分析,找出了100个典型的Bugs。个人觉得这份列表对C/C++ 程序员有一定参考意义。与其说事后用静态工具分析,倒不如在编码时就提高自知自觉,避免...
Compiler warning (level 1) C4155deletion of an array expression without using the array form of 'delete' Compiler warning (level 2) C4156deletion of an array expression without using the array form of 'delete'; array form substituted
Each piece is held a struct in a 10 x 10 array. One field is called size. It’s 0 normally but if it is set to a value, typically 64 then it counts down, one per frame and the piece is drawn rotated by 8 degrees each frame. When it reaches 0 the piece is removed. This is...
This change may expose pointer truncation bugs in existing code. By default, this switch is on. To disable this behavior, specify /HIGHENTROPYVA:NO. The managed compiler (Visual Basic/C#) also supports /HIGHENTROPYVA for managed builds. However, in this case, the /HIGHENTROPYVAswitch is ...
This change may expose pointer truncation bugs in existing code. By default, this switch is on. To disable this behavior, specify /HIGHENTROPYVA:NO. The managed compiler (Visual Basic/C#) also supports /HIGHENTROPYVA for managed builds. However, in this case, the /HIGHENTROPYVAswitch is ... 俄罗斯OOO Program Verification Systems公司用自己的静态源码分析产品PVS-Studio对一些知名的C/C++开源项目,诸如Apache Http Server、Chromium、Clang、CMake、MySQL等的源码进行了分析,找出了100个典型的Bugs。 个人觉得这份列表对C/C++ 程序...
This change may expose pointer truncation bugs in existing code. By default, this switch is on. To disable this behavior, specify /HIGHENTROPYVA:NO. The managed compiler (Visual Basic/C#) also supports /HIGHENTROPYVA for managed builds. However, in this case, the /HIGHENTROPYVAswitch is ...
Structs support fixed length array fields, including char arrays. Empty structs never fully worked and are no longer supported, they are also no longer supported by flatc. NOTE: char arrays are not currently part of Googles flatc compiler - int8 arrays may be used instead. BREAKING: empty ...
俄罗斯OOO Program Verification Systems公司用自己的静态源码分析产品PVS-Studio对一些知名的C/C++开源项目,诸如Apache Http Server、Chromium、Clang、CMake、MySQL等的源码进行了分析,找出了100个典型的Bugs。 个人觉...